The Impact of the Arts on Connecticut's Economy

Author: Sullivan, John J. and Wassall, Gregory H.

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report


In this study prepared for the Connecticut Commission on the Arts and Using 1975 information from a sample of 81 Connecticut arts institutions, the researchers came up with extensive data. Here are the highlights of their findings: Connecticut is blessed with an extremely active cultural life. Compared with studies of four other high cultural density regions (California, Massachusetts, New York State, and the city of Philadelphia), this study indicated that Connecticut's per capita spending on the performing and visual arts ranked second only to New York State.


In this study prepared for the Connecticut Commission on the Arts and Using 1975 information from a sample of 81 Connecticut arts institutions, the researchers came up with extensive data. Here are the highlights of their findings: Connecticut is blessed with an extremely active cultural life. Compared with studies of four other high cultural density regions (California, Massachusetts, New York State, and the city of Philadelphia), this study indicated that Connecticut's per capita spending on the performing and visual arts ranked second only to New York State. The cultural institutions of Connecticut, in turn, have a very healthy effect on this state's economy.

The non-profit arts industry of Connecticut (theatres, museums, dance companies, symphony orchestras, community arts programs) spends $28.8 million within the state on goods, services and salaries). Connecticut's non-profit arts institutions generate 1.4 times the amount they spend on goods, services and salaries in other sectors of the state's economy. Combining the direct and indirect spending effects of Connecticut's non-profit arts institutions, their aggregate impact on the state's economy is $70,000,000 or 2.4 times their direct spending. Connecticut's non-profit arts institutions generate a total of 5,962 jobs in the state, of which 2,390 are outside the arts, resulting from spending that originates in the arts industry.

The non-profit arts industry in Connecticut generates $5.7 million in federal income and payroll taxes and state/local sales, property and other taxes paid by its residents. The non-profit arts industry of Connecticut contributes $85 to the state's economy for every $1 that it receives from state government.


Chapter 1. Introduction and Summary.
Chapter 2. What is an economic impact study?
Chapter 3. Impact of the Arts on Connecticut's economy.
Chapter 4. Conclusion.

     A. Methodology of the impact study.
     B. List of survey respondents.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Economic Impact


Series Title:




Pages: 43



Name: University of Hartford

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