How Creative Are the Creative Industries? A Case of the Music Industry

Author: Tschmuck, Peter

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)



This essay is one of five articles in the summer 2003 issue of The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society that poses the question, "do arts intermediaries always create positive value; and what criteria can we establish to judge their current and future utility?"

{From the Journal's Introduction by Arthur Brooks) "Arts intermediation is not limited to the public sector, of course. Indeed, profitable industries have arisen around the arts and entertainment to promote and facilitate the exchange of artistic services between artists and their publics, whether live or electronic. Peter Tschmuck also writes about for-profit intermediaries, but focuses instead on electronic dissemination of the arts. Using the case of the record industry, he shows that, far from stimulating creativity and enhancing value, record companies have actually striven to protect an aging industry in a way that is detrimental to artists and will likely prove futile in the long run."

"In this article, I assess whether the major companies in the phonographic industry truly foster artistic creativity. After a brief and critical discussion of the shortcomings of economic concepts of newness, I derive a model of creativity from psychological and sociological findings and then model the inter-relationships between creativity and innovation in an empirical-descriptive discussion of the radical shifts in the phonographic industry's sturcture that occurred during the twentieth century. Finally, based on those discussions, I make predictions about the future of the music industry and suggest several implications for cultural policy and management."

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Creative Economies


Series Title: The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society

Edition: Volume 33, Number 2


SBN/ISSN: ISSN: 1063-2921

Pages: 15



Name: Heldref Publications

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