How Cities Support the Arts

Author: Cwi, David

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


This report suggests the variety of institutional approaches and the remarkable range of city programs and activities affecting the arts. The report also emphasizes the current efforts rely on a partnership involving all levels of government and the private sector. At the same time, the 20-city study cited at the outset seems to indicate that city arts development agencies face multiple challenges in defining and establishing public and private sector responsibilities in the relatively new field of local arts development. As local arts needs and development opportunities are identified and refined, these findings suggest an increasing need to coordinate public and private development efforts while developing innovative ways to incorporate the arts in the mainstream of community development planning.


This report suggests the variety of institutional approaches and the remarkable range of city programs and activities affecting the arts. The report also emphasizes the current efforts rely on a partnership involving all levels of government and the private sector. At the same time, the 20-city study cited at the outset seems to indicate that city arts development agencies face multiple challenges in defining and establishing public and private sector responsibilities in the relatively new field of local arts development. As local arts needs and development opportunities are identified and refined, these findings suggest an increasing need to coordinate public and private development efforts while developing innovative ways to incorporate the arts in the mainstream of community development planning. (from Future Issues)

How cities support the arts.
City Arts agencies - includes institutional arrangements; arts agency programs and services; public programs/information; technical assistance; fund raising; research; and challenges faced by arts agencies.
Facility development/Capital acquisition - includes public/private approaches to facility develop; percent for art ordinances; and use of federal funds/city development tools. Operating support for facilities and arts groups - includes operating subsidies; project grants; and dedicated taxes.
Indirect support - includes city governance; and power of the mayor.
Future issues.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 13



Name: U.S. Conference of Mayors

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