The History and Programs of the New York State Council on the Arts

Author: Barresi, Anthony Leonard

Publication Year: 1972

Media Type: Report


This study is concerned with the history and performing arts programs of the first state government agency to provide arts subsidies; New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA). Since its establishment in 1960, NYSCA has become increasingly involved with the provisions of arts opportunities for the state's citizens and with the financial problems experienced by arts organizations and institutions of New York State. Each of the first three sections of this study explores a different phase of government arts support as it pertains to the history and programs of NYSCA.


This study is concerned with the history and performing arts programs of the first state government agency to provide arts subsidies; New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA). Since its establishment in 1960, NYSCA has become increasingly involved with the provisions of arts opportunities for the state's citizens and with the financial problems experienced by arts organizations and institutions of New York State. Each of the first three sections of this study explores a different phase of government arts support as it pertains to the history and programs of NYSCA. Chapter I provides a discussion of the financial status of the musical performing arts in American between 1960 and 1971.

It probes the cause for the increasing income deficits plaguing professional performing arts groups. A brief investigation of Western European government arts support lends insight into the relative paucity of American efforts in this area. Chapter II presents the historical development of the programs and structures of the Arts Council of Great Britain and New York State Council. The two agencies are compared because NYSCA is patterned after ACGB. Chapter III presents the history of two major influences upon the evolution of NYSCA - legislation affecting the development of the agency and the distribution of arts opportunities and funds for the arts to communities and organizations throughout the state. Chapter IV presents the result of interviews conducted with directors of New York State-based arts organizations. (p. 1-2)

Chapter I.   General Financial Status of the Performing Arts in America. 
                 Economic Dilemma of the Arts. 
                 Outlook for Private Contributions from Individuals, Business, and
                 Government Support to the Arts. 

Chapter II.  The Programs and structures of the arts Councils of Great Britain and the
                 New York State Council on the Arts.
                 History and Organization of the ACGB.
                 NYSCA Programs and Organization.
                 Operation and Organization of NYSCA.

Chapter III. Two Major Influences upon the Development of NYSCA. 
                 Legislation Affecting the Establishment, Growth, and Development of 
                 Equitable Geographic Distribution of Arts Opportunities and Funds.

Chapter IV. The Council as Viewed by Funded Organizations. 
                 The Place of the Interviewed Organizations in the State Arts Scene.
                 Attitudes Toward Private and Government Support to the Performing
                 NYSCA Grants. 
                 Possible Government Controls on Arts Production. 
                 Arts Education Considerations. 
                 Reactions to the Council. 

Conclusions and Recommendations.
Sources Consulted.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 250



Name: University of Michigan

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