Helping People Volunteer

Author: Rauner, Judy

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book


This workbook is a guide on how to help people volunteer effectively. The first section guides you toward a better understanding of your organization and volunteer program. An opinion survey aids you in determining what is already being accomplished and what needs further development. In the second section, suggestions are offered that apply management principles to your program. The third section is you personally. You're a person responsible for enabling others. Time management hints and ideas for finding additional resources can make the job easier.


This workbook is a guide on how to help people volunteer effectively. The first section guides you toward a better understanding of your organization and volunteer program. An opinion survey aids you in determining what is already being accomplished and what needs further development. In the second section, suggestions are offered that apply management principles to your program. The third section is you personally. You're a person responsible for enabling others. Time management hints and ideas for finding additional resources can make the job easier. (p. 5)


Section 1. Questions to ask.

1. Why have volunteers?:

Worksheet 1. Goal - To identify advantages and challenges
                     of having volunteers in your organization.

2. What factors influence your volunteer program?:

Trends in the volunteer sector.

Worksheet 2. Goal - To determine trends in your
                     community's volunteer sector, how your
                     program is influenced and what actions might
                     respond to changes.

Your program is unique because your organization, the people involved, and the community each is unique.

Worksheet 3: Goal - To clarify background information on
                     your organization ... the purpose, funding, 
                     and history.

Worksheet 4. Goal - To compile an overview of who the
                     people are in your organization and what 
                     they do.

Worksheet 5. Why I volunteer - Goal - For volunteers to
                     explore why they choose particular tasks or
                     positions and what gives them job

Worksheet 6. To consider how your community influences 
                     your organization and your volunteer

3. What skills do effective managers need?:

Working as a team member - Manager in the middle.

Worksheet 7. Goal - To identify which people you link
                               together and how they are linked by

Effective communication.
Leadership style.
Delegating responsibility.
Managers have needs, too.

4. Where are we right now?:

Worksheet 8. Goal - To evaluate, through an opinion
                     survey, what's working well, what is needed
                     to improve effectiveness, and what
                     management functions don't apply to your
                     current needs.

Section 2. Suggestions to consider - that can improve your program.

1. Planning for effective management:

Worksheet 9. Planning guide. Goal - To identify (and enlist)
                     people and compile information needed for 
                     planning your volunteer program.

2. Practical ideas:

Job development.

Worksheet 10. Goal - To compile information needed to
                       develop a job description, then to translate
                       the information into a complete job 


Worksheet 11. Goal - To prepare an overview of
                       recruitment strategy.


Worksheet 12. Goal - To plan an orientation format.

Interview and placement.

Worksheet 13. Goal - Clarification of current or future
                       interview and placement process.


Worksheet 14. Goal - To design and coordinate learning 
                       opportunities for volunteers.


Worksheet 15. Goal - To clarify roles/responsibilities of the
                       volunteer program manager and supervisors
                       of volunteers.

Record keeping.

Worksheet 16. Goal - To prepare an overview of what
                       record keeping is relevant and how to
                       obtain information.


Worksheets 17 and 18. Goal - To obtain evaluation of
                                   volunteer program effectiveness
                                   from volunteers and from the
                                   management team.


Worksheet 19. Goal - To plan for ongoing recognition of
                       your program volunteers.

Section 3. Helping the volunteer program manager.

1. Using your time more effectively as volunteer program manager:

Worksheet 20. Goal - To explore how you use your time
                       and plan for changes if you identify that as a

2. Where do you go from here - to expand your resources (besides back
    to sections 1 and 2):

Learning from others - managers of other volunteer programs, consultant, resources in the community.
Starting a resource library.

References [bibliography].
In conclusion.
About the author.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Volunteerism


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-9604594-0-5 (p)

Pages: 95



Name: Marlborough Publications

Website URL: