The Healing Role of the Arts

Author: Holyoke, Nancy

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Conference paper/presentation



In May 1976, the Rockefeller Foundation convened a meeting to consider the roles of the arts in healing and therapeutic environments. It was an exploratory session, initiated by correspondence between myself and Michael Spencer who, as Executive Director of Hospital Audiences, was urging the Foundation to take an active, funding part in the promotion of the performing arts in hospitals and prisons.

The participants represented various arts therapies organizations, as well as members of funding organizations, both public and private.

In seeking to define a clear role for the arts in health programs, it became apparent that we had to examine both art and therapy individually, and in their cooperative roles. The participants agreed that the arts are a necessary component in any person's life, and that they can be used to further individual expression and well-being. As such, they concurred in the need for private and governmental funding to promote the use of the arts in therapeutic and healing situations.

One very tangible outcome of that initial session was the formation of the Alliance of the Arts and Arts Therapies, a group consisting of four national arts therapy organizations and Hospital Audiences. The alliance outlined a plan, An Agenda for Action: A Plan for Progress and again at the invitation of the Foundation, met in June 1977 with funding representatives to discuss this concerted design for action.

This Working Paper, The Role of the Healing Arts consists of background statements delivered by some of the participants, and the narrative summaries of both conferences. In all, the major issue was, and remains, how best to promote and establish an increased understanding, and through that, a greater acceptance and utilization of the arts in all human development, but particularly in healing and therapeutic situations.

We are indebted to Nancy Holyoke for the laborious scrutiny of hundreds of pages of transcripts and for her skillful editing of the papers and discussions presented here. (p. v-vi)

Preface by Howard Klein.
Participants - Healing Arts I.
Participants - Healing Arts II.
Presentations [individual chapters are analyzed].
Narrative Summary I.
Narrative Summary II.
Selected Bibliography.

Arts & Intersections: Health & Wellness



Series Title:




Pages: 93




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