Haves and Have-Nots: Investment Capital among Performing Arts Presenters in the United States

Author: Hager, Mark A. and Pollak, Thomas H.

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)


Performing arts organizations are increasingly looking to build endowments as a means of stabilizing revenue flows. The authors report on a study of 272 arts-presenting organizations, some of which have built a substantial reserve while others have no savings at all. They hypothesize that the haves differ from the have-nots on seven factors: whether the organization is free-standing or part of a larger entity; the organizations age; budget size; whether the organization owns or rents its primary venue; the size of the board of directors; number of institutional donors; and proportion of revenues derived from donations. They conclude that the haves are larger organizations with large boards and a substantial number of institutional donors, factors that point to the value of budget size, network contacts and institutional legitimacy in the accumulation of investment capital.


Performing arts organizations are increasingly looking to build endowments as a means of stabilizing revenue flows. The authors report on a study of 272 arts-presenting organizations, some of which have built a substantial reserve while others have no savings at all. They hypothesize that the haves differ from the have-nots on seven factors: whether the organization is free-standing or part of a larger entity; the organizations age; budget size; whether the organization owns or rents its primary venue; the size of the board of directors; number of institutional donors; and proportion of revenues derived from donations. They conclude that the haves are larger organizations with large boards and a substantial number of institutional donors, factors that point to the value of budget size, network contacts and institutional legitimacy in the accumulation of investment capital. (Publisher's abstract)

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Performing Arts Organizations, Financial Management


Series Title: International Journal of Arts Management

Edition: Volume 6, Number 2






Name: HEC Montreal

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