Handbook on Advocacy

Author: American Arts Alliance

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report


The overall objective of the handbook is simple: to help you develop a strong political network for the arts in your community.


Because you are committed to the arts, you will be called on to be an advocate for them - by the Alliance, by local arts organizations, and by coalitions interested in a national arts policy and appropriations that support the arts. You will be asked to respond to Alliance requests for emergency action and to gather support for arts initiatives at the local level.

You will be asked because you care. Most of us care about many things, and some of us are advocates of the things we care about, but few of us go about our caring and advocacy in a systematic way. That is what this handbook is about. Its purpose is to guide your efforts so they can be as effective as possible. The overall objective of the handbook is simple: to help you develop a strong political network for the arts in your community. We welcome your participation. More than that, we welcome your focused commitment to the national network of advocates for the arts. (p. 5).

Part 1. Introduction: The advocate's role.

Part 2. Steps to successful advocacy.

Working with boards:
     Conducting a political assessment. 
     Communicating with your board regularly.
Working with community coalitions: Networking.
Working with legislators: Relationships with staff.
Meeting with legislators:
     Arranging the appointment.
     Preparing for the meeting.
     Having a successful meeting.
     Following up on the meeting.
Generating letters and mail campaigns:
     Activating a network for writing letters. 
     Broadening the network for mass-mail campaigns. 
     Getting your message across in a letter.
     Formatting your letter.
Using the media.

Part 3. Conclusion.

Part 4. Appendix: 
                A. How a bill becomes a law.
                B. Congressional calendar.
                C. Congressional recesses.
                D. Mailing addresses and salutations.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Advocacy


Series Title:




Pages: 22



Name: American Arts Alliance

Website URL: