Guide to Corporate Giving in the Arts 2

Author: Porter, Robert A.

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


Guide to Corporate Giving in the Arts 2 is an updated and expanded edition of the 1978 landmark publication by the American Council for the Arts. The book has been created with the recognition that while the business community has been developing a strong and growing support for the arts, specific information about the arts contributions policies and priorities of individual corporations is often hard to find.


Guide to Corporate Giving in the Arts 2 is an updated and expanded edition of the 1978 landmark publication by the American Council for the Arts. The book has been created with the recognition that while the business community has been developing a strong and growing support for the arts, specific information about the arts contributions policies and priorities of individual corporations is often hard to find. As a result, contributions requests by arts groups can be haphazard or inappropriate, thus both increasing the workload of the corporate contributions departments and diminishing the effectiveness of the fundraising efforts of arts groups.

By identifying each company's arts contribution policies and priorities, this book provides information that will help arts organizations direct their contributions requests to corporations with an interest in their programs and to bypass those whose guidelines they clearly do not fit . Conversely, by outlining their areas of interest, corporations can be confident that the applicants approaching them comprise a good cross-section, if not the entire picture, of the fields they are interested in.

Guide to Corporate Giving in the Arts 2 contains detailed information from 502 of the country's largest corporations. It includes 234 major companies which did not appear in the first edition. A clear measure of the importance to the arts of the companies assembled in this book is the fact that 423 are ranked by Fortune magazine among the nation's largest corporations, a group estimated by the Business Committee for the Arts to account for 48 percent of total corporate support to the arts. In all, the companies participating in this Guide made cash contributions totalling some $70 million in the most recent year reported, a figure which does not include advertising, in kind services, donated materials, and other kinds of indirect support.

How to use the Guide:
     A sample case study.
     Explanatory notes.
The guide.
     Index of companies by state.
     Index of companies by type of arts organization/activity supported.
     Index of companies by type of support given.
     Related reading from ACA [bibliography].
     About ACA.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Private Sector


Series Title:




Pages: 378



Name: Americans for the Arts

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