Grass-Roots and Pavements: Art in America's Neighborhoods

Author: Nash, Teixeira and White, Milton

Publication Year: 1975

Media Type: Directory


The Expansion Arts Handbook/Directory is a book about community arts programs, what they are, how they got started and kept going, and where some of them are located around the country. This is a Handbook that tells some how to's and how not to's through program profiles of community arts programs that succeeded or failed.


The Expansion Arts Handbook/Directory is a book about community arts programs, what they are, how they got started and kept going, and where some of them are located around the country. This is a Handbook that tells some how to's and how not to's through program profiles of community arts programs that succeeded or failed.

All community arts activities are not mentioned in this book. But the book does list all programs that were funded in fiscal year 1976 by the Expansion Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts, and the list includes brief program descriptions. Certain community arts programs have been selected for in-depth profiling based on their high quality program and performance, community service, relevancy and uniqueness. Some of the profiles also have been selected because they seemed to be able to serve as prototypes and, in that sense, would help other community arts groups utilize appropriate ideas and methods.

Certain feature articles have been included in the Handbook that attempt to give the reader a state of the art of community arts. Articles have been included also for general information and application.

Community art has always existed in America, but it was only in the sixties that that existence asserted its right, not only to be seen and heard, but also to be recognized and supported at the local and federal levels. Communities that were not a part of the traditionally based arts mainstream began a persistent campaign for identity and respect for their own healthy cultural being.

Arts Exposure.
Government resource landscape.
Community cultural centers.
General programs.
Instruction and training.
The artist as a concern of public employment policy.
Neighborhood arts.
Special summer projects.
Of thee I sing - a look at American art.
State arts agencies.
Tour events.
The private resource landscape.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 160




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