Grantsmanship Resources for the Arts and Humanities; Reprint from The Grantsmanship Center News, March/April 1980

Author: Broman, John

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report


The Grantsmanship Center News published the first Basic Grantsmanship Library in 1975. Since then, the ever-expanding number of grantsmanship and fund-raising information sources has led to annual updatings.


The Grantsmanship Center News published the first Basic Grantsmanship Library in 1975. Since then, the ever-expanding number of grantsmanship and fund-raising information sources has led to annual updatings.

During the same period of time, we have received an increasing number of requests to expand the basic library approach to individual fields of program activity. Grantsmanship Resources for the Arts and Humanities is a collection of materials recommended by experts in the field for those who plan programs, develop proposals, administer organizations and raise funds, as well as for individual artists. It is intended to complement the general list of publications and resources that appears in the Basic Grantsmanship Library.

By limiting these guides to specific fields, we have been able to focus on resources that address a diversity of needs. We recognize that selections will be dictated by individual priorities and pocketbooks. Although we identify more than 100 resources here, it is intended as a compendium, not a comprehensive list. The fact that a publication or organization is not listed here should not reflect negatively on its merit. Your comments or suggestions about additional materials that you believe merit inclusion are invited.

This guide is divided into five sections. Under Resource Development, you will find publications that contain information on funding and other services for organizations and individuals in the arts and humanities. The following section lists publications that deal with issues of program planning, management and administration. In the next, we describe several periodicals and newsletters that provide funding information for several areas in the arts. Note that organizational newsletters, as well as descriptions of 20 organizations and their services, are found in the next section, Organizations. Readers are urged to look through the final section, Other Resources, as many publications and other potential resources that could not be included in previous sections are covered here. (first page).

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:




Pages: 24



Name: The Grantsmanship Center

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