Government Support of the Arts: Should it be Maintained or Decreased?

Author: Boren, Susan

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


The Reagan Administration proposed budget cuts of approximately 50% for the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, the major source of Federal Government support for the arts. Although the House and Senate budget reconciliation figures for the FY82 budget for the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities do not equal Reagan's proposed 50% cuts, they did represent approximately 30% to 35% cuts.


The Reagan Administration proposed budget cuts of approximately 50% for the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, the major source of Federal Government support for the arts. Although the House and Senate budget reconciliation figures for the FY82 budget for the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities do not equal Reagan's proposed 50% cuts, they did represent approximately 30% to 35% cuts. The final budget reconciliation (P.L. 97-35) represents approximately a 30% cut. Prior to budget consideration, Congress had just extended the authorization for the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities for 5 years, the longest period for an authorization for the NFAH in its history (P.L. 960496).

The administration's proposal to cut the Endowments' budgets in half calls into question the reasons for government support of the arts, and whether or not the philosophy of government support will be sustained.... Several issues must be addressed: What is the rationale behind the budget cuts? What rationale was behind Congress; recent extension of the National Endowment for the Arts? What alternatives are there to Federal Government support of the arts? What priority should government support of the arts receive in the context of the current stringent budget? Is the National Endowment for the Arts an effective agency, and are there net social benefits of government support of the arts? (p. 1).

Issue definition.
Background and policy analysis.
History of government involvement in the arts.
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act.
Limit to federal control.
Proposed budget cuts in the arts.
Priority in budget cuts.
Alternatives to federal government support of the arts.
The states.
Local art support.
The business sector support of the arts.
Alternative, change in federal arts legislation.
Issues regarding the effectiveness of the National Endowment for the Arts.
Effectiveness of the National Endowment for the Arts, response.
Benefits of the arts.
Benefits of federal government support of the arts.
Changes in the FY82 budget.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Legislation, Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 24




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