Giving USA: A Compilation of Facts and Trends on American Philanthropy for the Year 1971

Author: Lang, Harlan F.

Publication Year: 1971

Media Type: Report


This book covers all types of giving to all sectors. The following information is from the chapter on giving to arts, culture and humanities. In general, the arts are in the midst of a populist movement, which means more exposure to the performing arts, more attendance at museums, and more problems. But this current attitude - get the arts out to the people, not just for those who can afford it - can lose to the past.


This book covers all types of giving to all sectors. The following information is from the chapter on giving to arts, culture and humanities. In general, the arts are in the midst of a populist movement, which means more exposure to the performing arts, more attendance at museums, and more problems. But this current attitude - get the arts out to the people, not just for those who can afford it - can lose to the past. One museum director resigned when the board wished to raise $40 million for a new wing instead of expanding programs and acquisitions. Today, this is the exception rather than the prevailing situation. No longer are museums just big buildings that awe the visitor. They are alive with activity, sometimes too much, putting a strain on resources. Opera companies, symphony orchestras, theatre groups are traveling to the people, instead of waiting for the audiences to come to them. Most important is the fact that philanthropic funds are now easier to acquire for groups which show this wide community interest. The arts have become relevant. (p. 47-48).

The philanthropic picture:
     The donors and the recipients.

Sources of philanthropy:
     Corporate giving.
     Foundation giving.
     Community foundations.

Areas of philanthropic opportunity:
     Giving to religion - Church membership.
     Giving Trends.

Special section:
     Growth of giving.
     Giving to education - Philanthropy for education, The educational population,
     Independent secondary schools.
     Giving to health and hospitals - The costs of health care, Hospitals, National health
     agencies, Philanthropy for health.
     Giving to social welfare.
     Giving to the arts and humanities.
     The humanities.
     Giving to civic causes.
     Giving to foreign aid.
     Organizations related to philanthropy.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:




Pages: 54



Name: The Giving Institute (formerly American Association of Fundraising Counsel)

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