The Future of the Performing Arts

Author: Yale University, School of Music and American Assembly

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


Report of Northeast Assembly held in New Haven, Connecticut, September 24-27, 1981. Sponsored by the School of Music, Yale University, in cooperation with the American Assembly.


Report of Northeast Assembly held in New Haven, Connecticut, September 24-27, 1981. Sponsored by the School of Music, Yale University, in cooperation with the American Assembly.

We reaffirm the intrinsic and enduring value of the performing arts as central to the human condition. The arts bridge the power of intellect and the power of faith and are, therefore, crucial to the completeness of human beings. For the individual artist, choice of profession is a statement of spiritual freedom. The arts are tangible proof that man is not made for destruction. The arts serve as a vantage point from which to view our cultural past and as the most valuable tool with which to approach the future.

Providing a healthy environment for the arts is not the responsibility of the artist but is shared by all of society. To insure that this responsibility is fulfilled justly, for and by every American, a Northeast Assembly on The Future of the Performing Arts was convened in New Haven, Connecticut to examine the state of the arts and formulate recommendations which would insure the vitality of our greatest national treasure.

We who met to discuss the issues are professionals in the arts, creators, performers, directors, managers, as well as trustees, and we reflect many diverse opinions. However, we proclaim unanimous agreement on two principals: (1) America needs a public policy for the arts which establishes the arts as a fundamental national priority. (2) Support for the arts must be offered first because of the intrinsic merits of the art rather than for any other social, political or economic reason. [Conclusions]

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Community Development


Series Title:




Pages: 14



Name: Yale University, School of Music

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