Fund Raising: A Guide for Non-Profit Organizations

Author: Pendleton, Niel

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Book


This book will serve the purpose of the cause seeking either capital or annual funds. It is intended to assist both the novice and the seasoned professional. The beginner in fund raising will have here a guide, whether he or she be associated with an established institution or setting up a promotional plan for some new cause. The experienced development officer will find here an overview of campaigning, drawing together principles and methods that will provide both a refresher and a reminder.


This book will serve the purpose of the cause seeking either capital or annual funds. It is intended to assist both the novice and the seasoned professional. The beginner in fund raising will have here a guide, whether he or she be associated with an established institution or setting up a promotional plan for some new cause. The experienced development officer will find here an overview of campaigning, drawing together principles and methods that will provide both a refresher and a reminder. This book should be especially helpful to all whose institution chooses to campaign without benefit of a professional fund-raising firm. Trustees, administration and volunteers will discover the various steps required for an effective drive, and how these steps are coordinated. Here are tested methods which, if given into the hands of persons willing to devote long and devoted hours, will lead to exciting results.

Introduction - So you want to raise funds!

  1. Where is your organization in fund raising?
  2. Capital campaign, annual appeal, or both?
  3. Role of the development director as counselor.
  4. Role of the trustee.
  5. Role of the volunteer.
  6. How to organize the campaign.
  7. Sixteen steps - Operating procedure.
  8. Step 1 - Preparing for the big push - The feasibility study.
  9. Step 2 - Budgeting.
10. Step 3 - Scheduling.
11. Step 4 - Preparing the case.
12. Step 5 - Setting the goal.
13. Step 6 - Compiling lists.
14. Step 7 - Correcting lists.
15. Step 8 - Rating the prospects.
16. Step 9 - Cultivating the donor.
17. Step 10 - Building an organization.
18. Step 11 - Recruiting workers.
19. Step 12 - Training workers.
20. Step 13 - Securing the gift.
21. Step 14 - Thanking the donor.
22. Step 15 - Cleaning up and collecting.
23. Step 16 - Reporting results.
24. Looking to foundations, corporations and government.
25. Planned giving, annuities and bequests.


Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-13-332163-0; 0-13-332155-X (pbk)

Pages: 207



Name: Prentice-Hall, Inc

Website URL: