Forging An Alliance Between Commerce and Culture in the 80's

Author: Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities and National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


Background paper prepared by the staff of Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, for the 1981 annual meeting of the National Assembly of Sate Arts Agencies, Cleveland, Ohio, October 22-24, 1991. Includes bibliography. The 1981 NASAA Annual Meeting will focus on how state art agencies can work with the corporate sector to increase support for the arts.


Background paper prepared by the staff of Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, for the 1981 annual meeting of the National Assembly of Sate Arts Agencies, Cleveland, Ohio, October 22-24, 1991. Includes bibliography. The 1981 NASAA Annual Meeting will focus on how state art agencies can work with the corporate sector to increase support for the arts.

Major issues of policy arise from public/private sector collaborations. In the arts, particularly for state arts agencies (SAAs), such a collaboration is a new venture. While several state arts agencies have already begun major initiatives with the corporate sector (most recent examples are the Minnesota Arts Board and the McAlister Foundation's six year annual 1.6 million dollar gift to the Minnesota Arts Board for specific program objectives; and the Arizona Arts Commission's leadership in establishing a 2% Club in Phoenix) many SAAs have not yet charted these waters.|Important issues arise in such collaborations, such as who controls the direction and substance; how the arts fare over time; the relative merits of the experimental and the new vs. the established and the safe, etc.

This NASAA background paper summarizes the background of corporate giving in the arts and outlines the major areas of corporate activity in the arts. You will also be receiving a provocative paper by Carol Brightman, Markets, Murals and Masterpieces, published in the Winter, 1981 edition of Working Papers.

  I. Business - overview. 

 II. What is the potential for an arts and business alliance?

III. Channeling resources - the Arts and Business Alliance. 

1. Direct corporate giving. 
2. Investments in art. 
3. In-kind contributions. 
4. Operational activities - marketing, advertising, employee benefit plans and
    community relations campaigns.

IV. Economic factors and the Alliance's future.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


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Name: National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

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