Financial Support of the Arts

Author: Kersting, Carl

Publication Year: 1964

Media Type: Report


Since all gifts, from all sources, in the last analysis require the interest and action of an individual or a group of individuals, let us consider some of the favorable factors relating to individuals in the arts fund-raising program.


Since all gifts, from all sources, in the last analysis require the interest and action of an individual or a group of individuals, let us consider some of the favorable factors relating to individuals in the arts fund-raising program.

The school systems, for some decades, have been offering courses - mandatory in the lower grades - in art and music appreciation. Today, because of this background, the mature donor and decision-making individual has increasing interest in the arts, if not for himself, then for his family. This will be even more true in the future.

Business and industries seeking new locations look to communities where there are good schools, good churches, libraries, and cultural organizations. They have a concern to provide cultural facilities for the increasing leisure time of their employees and retired personnel. Top leadership in the communities negotiating for new industries are finding it is essential to be able to point with pride to the community's cultural advantages.

To raise money, there are two types of campaigns: capital campaigns and annual budget campaigns. The suggestions that follow apply to both types and are principles relating to a fundraising program regardless of size.

      1. A compelling case: the case for an institution, in
        business terms, might be called a sales pitch.
      2. Powerful and active leadership.
      3. Prospects.
      4. Solicitors.
      5. Campaign dynamics. (p. 127-128)

[Presented as part of the panel on Financial Support of the Arts introduced by Dexter M. Keezer.
 Additional presentations are all listed under Financial Support of the Arts by Dana S. Creel; and
 Samuel R. Rosenbaum.]

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:







Name: Americans for the Arts (formerly Arts Councils of America)

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