Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations

Author: Connors, Tracy Daniel and Callaghan, Christopher T.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


Published by AMACOM, a division of the American Management Association and written exclusively for managers of nonprofit organizations, this book takes the mystery out of financial procedures like cost accounting and out of the columns of figures and data you find in reports. Fifteen experts show you how to use budgets, accounting bookkeeping, and financial reports as valuable management tools.


Published by AMACOM, a division of the American Management Association. This book is not intended to make you a financial expert, but it will give you a firm grasp of current financial concepts, techniques, and guidelines and enable you to:

  • Get and keep control of your limited resources.
  • Plan to spend every dollar for maximum impact.
  • Monitor and evaluate the performance of your programs and services.
  • Make sure your NPO accomplishes its financial mission.
  • Comply with regulatory agencies.
  • Work productively with CPAs, auditors, and internal financial people.
  • Effectively communicate your financial status to prospective funders.
  • Safeguard your assets from misuse and abuse.
  • Compete for limited resources - and win.
  • Become more self-sufficient and survive - despite dwindling resources.

Written exclusively for managers of nonprofit organizations, this book takes the mystery out of financial procedures like cost accounting and out of the columns of figures and data you find in reports. Fifteen experts show you how to use budgets, accounting bookkeeping, and financial reports as valuable management tools. (jacket)

Biographical notes.
Foreword by Timothy J. Racek.

Section I. Budgeting. 
                    Introduction by Christopher T. Callaghan.

  1. Overview of the budgeting process by Ken Milani.
  2. Planning and budgeting by Horton L. Sorkin.
  3. Zero-base budgeting: why it isn't working in the nonprofit sector 
      and how it can by Dale D. McConkey.
  4. Revenue budgets by James Gaertner.
  5. Expense budgets by Ken Milani.
  6. Capital expenditure budgets by James Gaertner.
  7. Cash budgets by James Gaertner
  8. The budget as a control tool by Ken Milani
  9. Sample budgets for representative nonprofit organizations by
      Abraham J. Simon.

Section II. Accounting and financial reporting.
                    Introduction by Christopher T. Callaghan

10. Accounting standards and guidelines by Christopher T. Callaghan.
11. Financial statements by Arnold Cirtin.
12. Government reporting by William J. Whalen.
13. Accounting for grants by John Engstrom and W. Timothy O'Keefe
14. Staffing the financial function by John H. Engstrom and W. Timothy
15. Taxation of business income of exempt organizations by James L.
16. Compilation, review and audits by Christopher T. Callaghan.
17. Managing audits by Christopher T. Callaghan.

Section III. Record keeping. 
                    Introduction by Christopher T. Callaghan.

18. Organizing the bookkeeping system by William J. Whalen.
19. Elements of a bookkeeping system.
20. The basis of accounting by William J. Whalen.
21. Journals and internal controls by Terry L. Arndt.
22. Record keeping for fund accounting by Terry L. Arndt.

Appendix: IRS form 990, Return of organization exempt from income tax.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Financial Management


Series Title:




Pages: 334



Name: AMACOM c/o American Management Association

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