Evaluation Report: Decentralization Pilot Program, 1979-80

Author: McIver, Ann Gregg

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


The final evaluation of the NYSCA Decentralization Pilot Program is a compilation of three years of evaluative information. During this three year period extensive data has been compiled regarding all aspects of the program. Multiple surveys have been administrated. . . at various levels of the decentralization process.... This final evaluation attempts to analyze and assess in a more generalized way the effectiveness of the decentralization process as both a local decision-making mechanism and a provider of funds for cultural enrichment at the community level.


The final evaluation of the NYSCA Decentralization Pilot Program is a compilation of three years of evaluative information. During this three year period extensive data has been compiled regarding all aspects of the program. Multiple surveys have been administrated. . . at various levels of the decentralization process.... This final evaluation attempts to analyze and assess in a more generalized way the effectiveness of the decentralization process as both a local decision-making mechanism and a provider of funds for cultural enrichment at the community level. Because the Decentralization Program is part of the larger organization, NYSCA, its relationship to that organization is also explored for long range implications. (p. 1)

I.   Preface.
II.  Overview of Three Year Decentralization Pilot Program 1977-80.
III. Regrant Mechanisms.
IV. Administrative Costs.
V.  Panel Process.
VI. Profile of Funded Programs.
VII. The Quality Issue.
VIII. Impact of Decentralization Funded Programs.
IX.  Impact of Decentralization within NYSCA.
X.   Fourth Year Reflections.
XI.  Conclusion.

Appendix A. Figures 1 through 3 from the Narrative.

Figure 1. Comparison of Program Information on 1977-78, 1978-79, 
              1979-80  Pilot Years.
Figure 2. Comparison of Administrative Percentages by Mechanism in 
              1977-78, 1978-79, 1979, 80, 1980-81.
Figure 3. Comparison of Percentages of Funds Granted by Discipline for
              1977-78, 1978-79, 1979-80.

Appendix B. Evaluation Tools:

      1. Subgrantee Questionnaire.
      2. Panel Survey.
      3. Regrant Survey.

Appendix C. Regrant Agency Interim and Final Report Forms.
Appendix D. Abstract of Evaluation Report on 1977-78 Decentralization Pilot
Appendix E. Abstract of Evaluation Report on 1978-79 Decentralization Pilot
Appendix F. Directory of 1979-80 Regrant Agencies.
Appendix G. Final Program Information on 1977-78, 1978-79, 1979-80.
Appendix H. Administrative Costs Granted and Contributed for 1978-79 and 
Appendix I.   Breakdown of Decentralization Grants by Discipline and Amount
                   Awarded and Number of Funded Requests.
Appendix J.  NYSCA Organizational Chart for 1979-80.
Appendix K. History of NEA and NYSCA Funding of Decentralization Pilot 
                   Program 1977-78, 1978-79, 1979-80.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Grantmaking, Fundraising, Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 96




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