Employee Engagement Workbook: Corporate Arts Challenges

Author: Bromels, Rebecca

Publication Year: 2016

Media Type: Toolkit


This workbook focuses on one of the many ways arts organizations can work with businesses: corporate arts challenges. Corporate arts challenges can be broadly defined asany event that encourages creative participation from business employees in any artistic discipline in a friendly competition. This can include battle of the band competitions, juried employee art shows, or team-based challenges that present groups with a problem that must be solved through innovation and teamwork.


This workbook focuses on one of the many ways arts organizations can work with businesses: corporate arts challenges. Corporate arts challenges can be broadly defined asany event that encourages creative participation from business employees in any artistic discipline in a friendly competition. This can include battle of the band competitions, juried employee art shows, or team-based challenges that present groups with a problem that must be solved through innovation and teamwork.

Workplace art competitions put the spotlight on amateur artists and encourage creativity and teamwork in the workplace. Co-workers enjoy discovering each other’s talents, sharing their creative endeavors, and cheering each other on.

Each workbook in this series is based on a specific organization’s programs, philosophy, and tactics to generate positive engagement programs for the business community. This workbook features the work of ArtsWave, in Cincinnati, OH. ArtsWave’s corporate arts challenge, CincySings, brings the arts into the workplace by organizing a friendly, amateur singing competition featuring choirs of company employees. Designed to foster camaraderie and build company pride, CincySings participating companies invite their employees to form small singing groups to represent their company in the citywide competition hosted by ArtsWave.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: United Arts Funds, Private Sector, Partnerships, Local Arts Agencies, Creative Workforce, Creative Industries


Series Title:




Pages: 26

Resources: Document


Name: Americans for the Arts

Website URL: