Education Under Study: An Analysis of Recent Major Reports on Education

Author: Griesemer, J. Lynn and Butler, Cornelius

Publication Year: 1982

Media Type: Report



The recent wealth of reports on American education heralds a time for reinvesting in our nation's schools. We are awake to the importance of our youth and the relationship of education to the nation's economy.

The purpose of Education Under Study: An Analysis of Recent Major Reports on Education is to facilitate access for policymakers to the findings and recommendations of these reports. The analysis that appears in this section examines the findings and compares the recommendations across eight of the recent reports on education. The synopses of the reports in Section II are in large part verbatim and place major emphasis on those findings and recommendations as they pertain to education. Section III is an annotated bibliography of selected other reports that address the current health of our nation's schools. Each is accompanied by a full reference and information on how to obtain the report.

The decision to include the eight reports in this examination was based on the following criteria:

    • National sponsorship.
    • The eminent credentials of the principal author and/or study team.
    • Availability of significant resources to perform a thorough study of the consequent close and careful analysis of the topic.
    • Recommendations supported by either large data bases or extensive systematic observations of a large national sample of school systems.

This section includes a brief discussion about the reports, and the underlying precepts about education that form the foundation of the reports. The main part of this section includes a comparison of recommendations by critical areas. These areas are:

    • School Organization and Management;
    • Curriculum;
    • Students and Learning;
    • Quality and Equality;
    • Teachers and Teaching;
    • Postsecondary Education;
    • Leadership at the local, state and federal levels and through Business and Industry; and
    • Research.

A brief discussion about next steps concludes this section. Two tables with comparisons accompany the text. (p. 1, 2)


Section I: Introduction and comparison of eight recent reports on education.

Section II. Synopses of the eight reports: 

Academic preparation for college: what students need to know and be able to do. 
Action for excellence: a comprehensive plan to improve our nation's schools. 
America's competitive challenge: the need for a national response.
Making the grade. 
A nation at risk: The imperative for educational reform. 
The Paideia proposal: an educational manifesto. 
A place called school: prospects for the future. 
A study of high schools.

Section III. Annotated bibliography of selected other education reports and projects.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 63



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