The Economics of the Performing Arts

Author: Throsby, C. David and Withers, Glenn A.

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Book


The book is divided into three parts. The first consists of general and theoretical discussion of the performing arts industry. The second part provides detailed empirical information on the industry assistance. Policy issues and matters of arts administration are discussed in part 3. Within each part of the book the chapters are divided into two sections: the first section outlines in clear non-technical language the major economic dimensions of the topic, and the second section usually smaller, presents and develops formal economic analysis of particular issues that benefit from such treatment and which are of special interest to professional economists.


The book is divided into three parts. The first consists of general and theoretical discussion of the performing arts industry. The second part provides detailed empirical information on the industry assistance. Policy issues and matters of arts administration are discussed in part 3. Within each part of the book the chapters are divided into two sections: the first section outlines in clear non-technical language the major economic dimensions of the topic, and the second section usually smaller, presents and develops formal economic analysis of particular issues that benefit from such treatment and which are of special interest to professional economists. (Introduction, p. 2-3). Reference is made to Australia, the , Great Britain, Canada and New Zealand.


  1. Introduction.

Part I. General and theoretical issues in the economics of the performing arts.

  2. The economic structure of performing arts firms.
  3. The nature of consumer demand for the performing arts.
  4. Structure, conduct and performance in the performing arts industry.
  5. The positive theory of assistance.

Part II. Empirical characteristics of the performing arts.

  6. Characteristics of companies.
  7. Characteristics of audiences.
  8. Characteristics of performing arts industries.
  9. The pattern of assistance.

Part III. Public policy and the performing arts.

10. Arguments for public assistance: Market efficiency considerations.
11. Arguments for public assistance: Equity and merit good
12. Objectives of performing arts policy.
13. Forms of assistance.
14. Levels of assistance.
15. Allocation of assistance.

Part IV. Conclusion.

16. Some policy issues in perspective.

Appendices, notes and references.
     Appendix 1. Major professional not-for-profit performing arts companies;             
                       Australia, Canada, New Zealand, U.K. and U.S.A. 1976-1977.
     Appendix 2. Data sources for econometric analyses.
     Appendix 3. International exchange rates: 1964-1976.
     List of references.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Creative Economies


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-312-23438-4 (h)

Pages: 348



Name: St. Martin's Press (MacMillian Publishers)

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