Economic Impact of the Performing Arts on Kansas City: Final Report

Author: Midwest Research Institute

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report


This study identifies the impact of these performing arts groups on the Kansas City economy as measured in terms of attendance and other direct impacts (employment, revenues and income, audience spending, and other expenditures); and indirect impacts by the use of various multipliers derived from three alternative economic impact analysis methodologies: basic/nonbasic, input-output, and regional trade multipliers. The following impacts of the performing arts on the Kansas City economy for the period 1978-1979 have been identified.


An assessment of 44 nonprofit performing arts groups in the Kansas City metropolitan area indicates the broad-based set of activities which comprise this segment of the cultural community in the region. These activities span all forms of the performing arts including theatre, musical theatre, opera and dance; and symphonic, band, jazz and other instrumental music. It also encompasses groups who bring to the community different kinds of performers, including nationally known musical artists, dance tours, and theatre groups; and the Renaissance Festival, which provides actors, dancers, and musicians an opportunity to entertain audiences in an authentic historical setting (16th century village).

This study identifies the impact of these performing arts groups on the Kansas City economy as measured in terms of attendance and other direct impacts (employment, revenues and income, audience spending, and other expenditures); and indirect impacts by the use of various multipliers derived from three alternative economic impact analysis methodologies: basic/nonbasic, input-output, and regional trade multipliers. The following impacts of the performing arts on the Kansas City economy for the period 1978-1979 have been identified:

  1. Direct economic impacts: Attendance at performances of nonprofit performing arts groups totaled more than 1.8 million persons. Performing arts groups employed approximately 685 full-time equivalent paid employees, representing 1,333 full-time and part-time seasonal employees and 264 full-time and part-time non-seasonal employees. Total revenues and income derived by the nonprofit performing arts groups totaled $9.9 million. Total salaries and wages generated by performing arts groups were approximately $4.8 million. Total expenditures by performing groups for professional and miscellaneous services totaled $5.6 million, of which $4.4 million was spent locally. Total spending for local and non-local (sole reason) audiences attending nonprofit performing arts events totaled $6.9 million.

  2. Total economic impacts (direct and indirect). The total direct employment of 685 full-time equivalent employees results in an estimated total economic impact (direct and indirect) on employment of 849 to 1,487 jobs. Total direct income (local expenditures) of $9.4 million and audience spending of $6.9 million results in an estimated total economic impact on income in the Kansas City region of $25 million to $46 million. Performing arts groups and activities contribute immeasurably to the quality of life of area residents and adds to the community's ability to attract new business and industry.

From these data, the following conclusions can be drawn: Performing arts groups in the Kansas City region provide a wide range of cultural activities which make a significant contribution by enhancing the quality of life for thousands of persons living in the area. Performing arts groups in the Kansas City region are capable of generating tourism and do not simply respond to tourists attracted to the community for other reasons. The impact of the performing arts on the Kansas City economy is broad-based and has sufficient strength to be acknowledged as an important contributor to the economic health of the community. The cultural, social and economic fabric of nonprofit performing arts groups in Kansas City is woven intimately together, and the success of performing arts in the region will be closely tied to the equal development of each segment.
(p. 1-2).

Summary and conclusions.

1. Introduction: 

a. Background of the study.
b. Methodology.
c. Organization of the report.

2. Characteristics of nonprofit performing arts groups in Kansas City:

a. Performing arts categories.
b. Program and activities of individual performing arts groups.

3. The performing arts in the Kansas City economy: 

a. Overview.
b. Economic impacts. 

Appendix A. Cover letter and survey form. 
Appendix B. Economic impacts by performing arts category.
Appendix C. Methodology to calculate multipliers.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Economic Impact


Series Title:




Pages: 52



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