The Economic Impact of Five Cultural Institutions on the Economy of the San Antonio SMSA

Author: Cwi, David

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report


This report [prepared by the Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research of The Johns Hopkins University for the Research Division of the National Endowment for the Arts under grant number R80-22-1N] presents a case study of the economic impact of five institutions on the economy of the San Antonio metropolitan area. The Introduction briefly presents the history and purpose of the project, and indicates the process by which cities and institutions were selected.


This report [prepared by the Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research of The Johns Hopkins University for the Research Division of the National Endowment for the Arts under grant number R80-22-1N] presents a case study of the economic impact of five institutions on the economy of the San Antonio metropolitan area. The Introduction briefly presents the history and purpose of the project, and indicates the process by which cities and institutions were selected.

The report continues with a section briefly describing the San Antonio area economy and the broader arts community. The third section of the report presents our findings concerning the economic effects of the examined institutions. This section begins with an outline of the study approach, data requirements, and methods. Included is a review of the limited nature of our analysis. Findings are presented in terms of direct and secondary effects on local business volume, personal incomes and jobs, business investment and expansion of the local credit base together with effects on government revenues and expenditures.

A variety of technical matters concerning data quality and analytical methods are addressed in this section, especially matters involving local and visitor audience spending. The reader is referred to a detailed technical supplement for a more complete discussion of data handling and methodological issues. The final section of the report is devoted to a further review of the limited nature of our analysis, including a discussion of the less tangible economic effects that have not been identified. Caveats are reviewed regarding the use of the data for the development of arts and economic development policies. (Preface, p. v).

List of exhibits.
Preface: Organization of the report.

Section 1. Introduction:

A. The history of the project.
B. Project objectives.
C. The institutions examined in San Antonio.

Section 2. The San Antonio economy and its arts community: an overview.

Section 3. The economic effects of five cultural institutions on the San Antonio
                metropolitan area.

A. Study procedures:
          Scope of study.
          Study methods and limitations.
          Data requirements.
B. Direct effects:
          Local institutional expenditures for goods, services and
          Guest artist spending.
          Audience spending.
C. Secondary effects:
          Secondary business volume, Personal incomes and jobs.
          Additional investment and expansion of the local credit
D. Government expenditures and revenues.

Section 4. Concluding caveats regarding study findings.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Economic Impact


Series Title:




Pages: 36



Name: National Endowment for the Arts

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