Economic Impact of Arts and Cultural Institutions: Case Studies

Author: Cwi, David

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Book


This report examines the application of economic impact analysis for six cities [Columbus, Ohio; Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota; Saint Louis, Missouri; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Antonio, Texas; Springfield, Illinois] and describes separately for each its institutions, economy, and broader cultural community, and economic impact. [Figures for each individual city are listed separately, see analyzed section below]. In addition to summarizing figures for each city, the report provides totals of all six cities and their 49 local arts and cultural institutions on the local economy in 1977-78: Total direct economic effect: $68,661,696. Secondary economic effect: 1) business volume: $129,384,155. 2) Personal income: $49,202,463. Full-time jobs: 6,771.


This report examines the application of economic impact analysis for six cities [Columbus, Ohio; Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota; Saint Louis, Missouri; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Antonio, Texas; Springfield, Illinois] and describes separately for each its institutions, economy, and broader cultural community, and economic impact. [Figures for each individual city are listed separately, see analyzed section below]. In addition to summarizing figures for each city, the report provides totals of all six cities and their 49 local arts and cultural institutions on the local economy in 1977-78: Total direct economic effect: $68,661,696. Secondary economic effect: 1) business volume: $129,384,155. 2) Personal income: $49,202,463. Full-time jobs: 6,771.

The publication of this Research Division report culminates a five-year exploration of the economic role of arts and cultural institutions in urban communities. While numerous promising technical approaches to this subject were proposed to the Research Division, resource constraints restricted the efforts to the development and extensive application of a single model by the Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research of the Johns Hopkins University. The selected model, using a series of equations adapted from a previous study of educational institutions, was first applied to six institutions in metropolitan Baltimore. [see Economic Impact of Arts and Cultural Institutions: A Model for Assessment and a Case Study in Baltimore. The objective of the six additional case studies reported here was to permit examination of such local factors as city size and regional importance on estimated economic effects. Recognition of these factors is a necessary step to appropriate use of cultural impact data in policy making and planning for economic development. (p. 5).

This report examines the economic impact of cultural institutions on their communities. An approach developed in a pilot project in Baltimore in 1976 has been applied to follow-up studies in six other U.S. cities. The findings are presented here in summary form. Chapter 1 of the report presents an overview of the six city study, describing technical matters of procedures and data collection, and discusses traditional approaches to community economic analysis including the interindustry analysis used here.

Audience spending is examined, especially in regard to the study's restrictive protocol, which attributes to the institution only those expenditures made by visitors who came to the community for the sole reason of using the institution. The chapter reviews direct and secondary effects of culture-related expenditures. (p. 9). Scceeding chapters examine the application of economic impact analysis in the six cities of the study: Columbus, Minneapolis/St. Paul, St. Louis, Salt Lake City, San Antonio and Springfield, IL. Each city is described in terms of its institutions, economy, and broader cultural community, direct and secondary economic effects of selected institutions, and institution-related government revenues and expenditures. (p. 9).

[For a condensed version, see The Arts Talk Economics.]

List of tables.
Report organization.
The Baltimore pilot project.
Role of additional case studies.
Study sponsors and participating institutions.
Reasons for participation.
Study management.
Project uses.
Data collection.
Weighting and estimation issues.
An overview of the six-city study: Community economic impact analysis.
The arts as export earners.
Direct economic effects.
Influences on direct economic effects.
Secondary economic effects.
Influences on secondary economic effects.
Government revenues and costs.
Effects not examined.
Policy observations.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Creative Economies


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-89062-106-3

Pages: 103



Name: National Endowment for the Arts

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