An Economic Impact Analysis of a Proposed Change in the Copyright Law

Author: Werner, Stephen M.

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report


The purpose of this research effort has been to determine the potential impact of a proposed change in the copyright law. The analysis focuses on the three major groups affected by the Bill; broadcasting stations, in particular, radio broadcasters, performing artists, and record companies.


The purpose of this research effort has been to determine the potential impact of a proposed change in the copyright law. The analysis focuses on the three major groups affected by the Bill; broadcasting stations, in particular, radio broadcasters, performing artists, and record companies. (p. 1)

List of tables.
List of figures.
Summary of findings and conclusions.
Legal definitions and terminology.
A proposed change in the law.
An economic impact analysis requirement.
The economic impact on broadcasters.
Theoretical background.
Advertising rates as prices.
The firm: Calculating profit and determining the shut-down point.
The profit and loss analysis.
Source of data.
Actual trends in profit vs loss over time, by station.
Estimates of the Revenue generated by the revision bill.
Simulated profit vs loss outcomes under various conditions.
Including record license fees as expenses.
Excluding payments to owners.
Excluding other administrative expenses.
Excluding payroll.
Profit versus loss among classical music stations.
Profit versus loss differences by Metropolitan area.
Profit versus loss differences by region.
Profit versus loss differences by revenue class size.
Profit versus loss outcomes by type of broadcasting unit.
Total revenues versus total expenses over the period.
Advertising rates and the ability to pass on cost increases to purchasers of station time.
Relative costs of radio, television and print media nationally.
The sensitivity of radio advertising expenditures to changes in relative costs, nationally.
Local area rate and revenue changes in a sample of cities.
Additional evidence concerning the demand for radio ad advertising.
The economic impact on performers.
Existing trust and benefit plans.
Alternative administrative systems and their implications concerning the amount to be distributed to performers.
Employment and earnings among performers.
The economic impact on the record industry.
Trends with respect to profit.
Trends with respect to concentration in the industry.
     1. A critique of the Bard and Kurlantzick article.
     2. Concert music broadcasters represented in the analysis, by state.
     3. FCC financial reporting form.
     4. Regression results concerning the demand for radio advertising.
     5. Sampling procedures for selecting SMSAs.
     6. Broadcast radio spot advertising rates in selected cities, 1971, 1975, and
         percentage change over the period
     7. Questionnaire of performing artists.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Legal Issues


Series Title:




Pages: 179



Name: Ruttenberg, Friedman, Kilgallon, Gutchess & Associates

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