Economic Evaluation of the Proposed Arts Center for the Huntington Arts Council

Author: Economics Research Associates

Publication Year: 1975

Media Type: Report


During the fall of 1975, the Huntington Arts Council expressed an interest in preparing a feasibility study to evaluate the prospects for converting the vacant Huntington Theatre, or other existing buildings in the Huntington area, into a performing arts center. The need for such a study was prompted by a sincere desire to provide better facilities for many of the community's disparate existing cultural organizations, and, by doing so, to augment the quality and variety of cultural opportunities for the citizens of Huntington.


During the fall of 1975, the Huntington Arts Council expressed an interest in preparing a feasibility study to evaluate the prospects for converting the vacant Huntington Theatre, or other existing buildings in the Huntington area, into a performing arts center. The need for such a study was prompted by a sincere desire to provide better facilities for many of the community's disparate existing cultural organizations, and, by doing so, to augment the quality and variety of cultural opportunities for the citizens of Huntington.

The Huntington Arts Council, Inc., retained Economics Research Associates together with the architectural firm of Armstrong/Childs to evaluate the economic and architectural feasibility of a central arts facility for the community's civic and cultural organizations. The feasibility study was commissioned in early 1976, following a review of qualified firms by the Huntington Arts Council.

This report presents the study team's findings and recommendations. Following this introductory statement, Section II summarizes the major research findings and presents the study team's recommendations regarding the implementation of the proposed arts center. Section III is devoted to an analysis of the socioeconomic characteristics of the resident population as they relate to indications of support for the arts. Section IV discusses the current status of cultural activities and indications of public support for the arts in Huntington. Section V relates our findings following a survey of existing facilities in the community used by arts groups, and Section VI discusses the program for the Huntington Arts Center and presents an analysis of the demand for an arts center. Section VII is devoted to a financial analysis of the proposed program for the Huntington Arts Center. Section VIII relates the findings of a survey of prospective buildings for reuse as an arts center. Lastly, Section IX discusses the recommended implementation strategy for the proposed Huntington Arts Center.

Section I. Introduction.

Section II. Report highlights and conclusions.

Market support for an arts center.
Current status of the arts in Huntington.
Projected event demand.
Financial implications.
Recommended development strategy.

Section III. Socioeconomic characteristics of the market population.

Market area definition.
Educational levels.
Market summary.

Section IV. Overview of cultural activities and public support of the arts: 
                 Community-based organizations. 

Babcock Theatre Productions.
Children's Music Theatre of Long Island.
Classical Guitar Society of Long Island.
Clem DeRosa and his All Stars.
Folk Music Society of Huntington.
Half Hollow Hills Community Band.
Half Hollow Hills Creative Arts workshop.
Half Hollow Hills Performing Arts Association.
Heckscher Museum.
Huntington Audubon Society.
Huntington Camera Club.
Huntington Choral Society.
Huntington Community Band.
Huntington Historical Society.
Huntington Liederkranz Society.
Huntington Men's Club.
Huntington Thunderers.
Huntington Township Art League.
Huntington Township Concert Association.
International Art of Jazz.
Long Island Symphony.
Long Island Composer's Alliance.
Long Island Recorder Association.
New Community Cinema Club.
Northport, Commack, Smithtown Concert Association.
Northport Community Band.
Northport Historical Society.
Orlando Ballet Company.
Performing Arts Foundation of Long Island.
Sweet Adelines.
Theatre Plus.
Township Theatre Group.
USDAN Center for the creative and performing arts.
Whaling Museum Society.
Summary of cultural meetings and events.

Section V. Survey for existing facilities for the performing arts.

Survey of existing facilities:
     Burr's Lane Junior High School.
     Half Hollow Hills Community Library.
     Half Hollow Hills High School.
     Huntington High School.
     South Huntington Public Library. 
     Northport High School.
     Walt Whitman High School.
Survey of User Groups.

Section VI. Summary of demand and a program for the proposed arts center.  
                 Recommended program for the Arts Center summary of demand.

Section VII. Financial analysis of the Huntington Arts Center:

Operating policy considerations.
Operating revenue.

Building rentals.
Concession revenue.
Equipment rentals.
Total revenues.

Operating expenses:
     Personnel costs.
     Maintenance and operating costs.

Net operating profit/Deficit.

Section VIII. Survey of Existing Facilities: Architectural/Structural considerations.

The Huntington Theatre.
Bohack Supermarket.
Harbor Arts Center.
Village Green School.
270 New York Avenue.

Locational considerations.
Activity centers.
Population density.
Access, Parking, Other locational factors.
Summary considerations.

Section IX. Recommended implementation strategy and financial solicitation plan for
                 the Huntington Arts Center:

Suggested implementation strategy.
     Formation of a nonprofit corporation.
     Organization of a fund raising campaign.
     Commitment for an Annual operating subsidy.
     Development of the Huntington Arts Center.
     Preparing for initial operation.

Potential sources of funds.
     Federal and state funding.
     Town of Huntington funding. 
     Private contributions.

     A. Sample form. 
         Survey of civic and cultural organizations. 
     B. Survey of arts organizations currently operating, under construction, or planning
         construction of an arts facility.
     C. Partial list of prospective foundations to contact for funding of the Huntington
         Arts Center.
     D. List of contacts for the proposed Huntington Arts Center.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Cultural Facilities


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Name: Economics Research Associates

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