Discussion Paper: Performing Arts Touring and Sponsorship

Author: Oetinger, Janet

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report


The mandate of this study is to research and develop (1) a summary overview of performing arts touring activities in the , and (2) options for consideration aimed at improving roles and relationships of arts groups, sponsors/presenters, state and regional arts agencies and the Endowment. (Introduction) Prepared for the Program Coordination Office of the National Endowment for the Arts.


The mandate of this study is to research and develop (1) a summary overview of performing arts touring activities in the , and (2) options for consideration aimed at improving roles and relationships of arts groups, sponsors/presenters, state and regional arts agencies and the Endowment. (Introduction) Prepared for the Program Coordination Office of the National Endowment for the Arts.

Preface: Seven in a station wagon.
Summary of principal findings and issues.
Summary of options and suggestions.
On touring in general.
Touring from the perspective of artist and arts organizations.
Why the arts tour.
Why arts organizations don't tour.
Touring patterns in individual art forms: Dance, theatre, orchestras, choral, chamber music, jazz, opera, solo artists, folk.
What is a sponsor?
Sponsors and the National Endowment.
Touring/Sponsor programs at the Endowment.
The dance touring program.
Other ways of providing access and availability.
A couple of questions of philosophy and policy.
The role of government funding in touring.
Other needs of touring artists, companies and ensembles.
Other needs of sponsoring organizations.
And a few more needs and issues.
504 regulations.
The commercial/profit sector.
Non-negotiable fees.
State arts agencies, touring and sponsorship.
The regional organizations.
Other thoughts on regionalism.
On sponsor development.
The need for a new Endowment program.
What this new program might be.
Other options.
Related needs and issues the Endowment might address.

     National Endowment for the Arts touring/sponsor programs: Dance, Theatre,
     Opera-Musical Theatre, Chamber Ensembles, Contemporary Music Ensembles,
     Jazz, Special Projects, Folk Arts, Literature, Education.

Regional organization touring programs:
     Affiliated State Arts Agencies of the Upper Midwest. Great Lakes Arts Alliance.
     Mid-America Arts Alliance. New England Foundation for the Arts. Southern Arts
     Federation. Western States Arts Foundation.

State arts agency touring programs:
     Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska,
     New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington.

Non-governmental programs in support of touring:
     Meet the Composer.
     AT&T Orchestra Tours.
     National Black Touring Circuit.
     Community Artist Residency Training (CART).
     Community Concerts Inc.
     The C. Michael Paul Chamber Music Residencies.

An annotated bibliography of touring resources.
People interviewed and meetings attended.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Private Sector


Series Title:




Pages: 130



Name: National Endowment for the Arts

Website URL: