Developing a Two-Year Operational Plan for Chamber Music Ensembles

Author: Plasko, George

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Book


Relationship of the operational plan to the organization's structure.


Relationship of the operational plan to the organization's structure.
How to use this guide.
Guide sources.
Operational plan and projection for annual funding needs: form with explanations, guide references.

Step 1. Prepare your ensemble and support people for planning.

Introduction: the operational plan in a nutshell.
Who makes planning decisions?
Prepare the board.
Create a planning committee.
Have a planning orientation.
Develop a time line for planning.
Step 1 planning tools: Self-evaluation checklist for board/advisory groups.
Responsibilities of the planning committee.

Step 2. Research and collect planning data.

Develop program information (required).
Program assessment format.
Gather client data.
Gather community data.
Assess community opinion.
Assess organizational capabilities.
Prepare overall organization information for final operational plan (required).
Step 2 planning tools.
Present program evaluation worksheet: 
     1. Clients. Present program evaluation worksheet.
     2. Funders. Present program evaluation worksheet.
     3. Civic leaders. Organization resource inventory sheet.
Nine questions to answer when formulating a mission statement.

Step 3. Establish your goals.

Analyze the information gathered before setting goals.
Hold goal setting meetings.
Communicate goals to planning participants.
Set priorities.
Step 3 planning tools: Overall ensemble goals summary.
Questions to ask when formulating goals.

Step 4. Formulate and write objectives.

How to write objectives.
Write organization-wide objectives first.
Organization-wide goals and objectives summary.
Then write program objectives.
Program objectives and action plans summary.
Step 4 planning tools: Write objectives.

Step 5. Organize your action plan.

Benefits of action planning.
Assign action planning responsibilities.
Hold action planning meetings.
Action planning example.
Assign deadline dates to action steps.
Summarize action plans.
Program objectives and action plan summary (required).

Step 6. Set your budget by programs.

Advantages of program budgeting.
Program budgeting in eight steps.
The key to sound budgeting is action planning.
Prepare budget information for the operational plan document.
Step 6 planning tools.
Proposed budget for FY 1981 by program and support functions (required).
Total budgets/comparison of FY's 80, 81, 82 (required).
Fund balance summary (required).

Step 7. Evaluate and reassess goals.

Evaluation of individual performance by program heads.
Program evaluation by program heads.
Overall organization by chairperson and artistic director with program heads.
Step 7 planning tools: Program head's annual report.
Organization annual report form.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Organizational Planning, Financial Management


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-941398-01-3

Pages: 47



Name: Chamber Music America

Website URL: