Developing Cultural Centers

Author: Jagels, Charles H.

Publication Year: 1964

Media Type: Report


Atlanta offers a very special situation brought about by its current explosive growth in population. This growth reflects itself in greater business activity, greater demands for services such as expressways, shopping centers, and rapid transit, as well as greater demand for leisure-time facilities. In the past few years, dozens of new apartment houses, high rise office buildings, hotels and motels have been built. A Sports Stadium, seating 57,000 has just been completed. In 1966, the Milwaukee Braves will move to Atlanta and become the Atlanta Braves. Big league professional football will take over in the fall of 1966 through the granting of National League franchise. A new Civic Auditorium seating 4,700 and a Convention Hall seating 11,000 will be completed in 1967. And, last but not east, for purposes of this panel discussion, will be the Atlanta Memorial Cultural Center.


Atlanta offers a very special situation brought about by its current explosive growth in population. This growth reflects itself in greater business activity, greater demands for services such as expressways, shopping centers, and rapid transit, as well as greater demand for leisure-time facilities. In the past few years, dozens of new apartment houses, high rise office buildings, hotels and motels have been built. A Sports Stadium, seating 57,000 has just been completed. In 1966, the Milwaukee Braves will move to Atlanta and become the Atlanta Braves. Big league professional football will take over in the fall of 1966 through the granting of National League franchise. A new Civic Auditorium seating 4,700 and a Convention Hall seating 11,000 will be completed in 1967. And, last but not east, for purposes of this panel discussion, will be the Atlanta Memorial Cultural Center.

The Atlanta Memorial Cultural Center will consist of:

  1. The already existing High Museum of Art.
  2. An all-purpose concert hall seating 1,850, which will provide a permanent home for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.
  3. A theatre seating 850, proposed as the home of a local repertory theatre company; and
  4. An experimental theatre seating 200 on the lower level, which will also include dressing rooms, green rooms, and rehearsal halls.

In addition, continued use will be made of the Walter Hill Auditorium, seating 450, which is presently located in the High Museum building. (p. 81-82)

[Presented as part of the panel on Developing Cultural Centers introduced by Charles
 M. Spofford.  Additional presentations are all listed under Developing Cultural
and distinguished by author: Warner Bentley; O. William Severns; Gordon
 Hamilton Southam; and Richard R. Teschner.]

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Cultural Facilities


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Name: Americans for the Arts (formerly Arts Councils of America)

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