Design Arts - Grants Recognition Program

Author: Brown, Lance Jay

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report



For the past fifteen years, the design arts in the have been nurtured with little fanfare but to growing effect by the National Endowment for the Arts, within its Design Arts Program. We thought it fitting, therefore, to inaugurate Design Arts with a retrospective of the accomplishments achieved in those arts by the recipients of Arts Endowment grants during those fifteen years. To compile this first issue, the Endowment asked the more than 2,000 grants recipients to submit the results of their work. The response was extensive. A panel of twelve design arts professionals reviewed the submission, recommending more than 150 for publication as work that should be made known and available to other professionals and to the public. The Endowment is encouraging the continued and additional submission of completed work for future review and publication.

What has resulted from the panel's findings is a compendium of work, much of it previously unpublished and heretofore unknown. The work has been grouped into four sections: Public Education and Awareness; Urban Quality and the Arts; Professional Research; Heritage, Conservation and Planning. Perhaps most exciting within these sections is the work that addresses special constituencies: children, the handicapped, the elderly. Toward facilitating the use of this compendium as a reference, we have included an index.

William Marlin, architecture critic for the Christian Science Monitor and former editor of Architectural Record , has written an introductory article that conveys an enthusiasm for our built environment tempered by a serious view toward the future that sets the tone for this issue. A chronological perspective is given to the grants presented herein by the closing interview with the Endowment's past and present Design Arts program directors, whose personalities and program goals shaped this work. (Foreword.)


Increasing public awareness:
     Learning from Las Vegas.
     Richard Morris Hunt.
     Two hundred years of American architectural drawing.
     On site.
     Women in American architecture.
     The work of Julia Morgan.
     The great camps of the Adirondacks.
     Shaker heritage in Kentucky.
     The Milltown: a sense of place, a way of life.
     Working places.
     Building book for Lewiston, Maine.
     Seed grants.
     Main Street.
     Celebrations in city places.
     Design Michigan.
     A graphics system for Greenway.
     Boston 200 discovery network.
     More streets for people.
     Social life of small urban spaces.
     Reusing railroad stations.
     Recycling streets.
     Courthouse conservation.
     A measure of change.
     Street smart.
     Five New England towns.
     Neighborhood conservation nationwide.
     Revitalizing Worcester.

Educational programs: 
     Mid-career fellowships. 
     Career discovery program.
     An institute for environmental education.
     Curriculum for historic preservation.
     Space: inside/outside.
     Kids-only architecture.
     A building education system.
     Participatory design.
     Environmental community problems.
     Environmental experience stipends.

Urban quality and the arts:
     Cultural facilities, artists' housing.
     Design Charette for Provincetown.
     Renovating a movie house.
     Artists' housing in San Francisco.
     A Children's museum.
     Harlem Institute of fashion's museum.
     A National museum of the building arts.
     West Michigan's landmark for art.
     Arts Park in Los Angeles.
     Snug Harbor.
     An art center for Dayton.
     Artist living/working space.
     A cultural center at Boott Mill.
     A museum evolves.

Livable cities:
     Gritty cities.
     20th century transportation and civic design for an 18th century city.
     Visible streets.
     Billboards as Roadway Art.
     Alleys: a hidden resource.
     A movable park.
     1% for art in civic architecture.
     Art in Cambridge Parks.
     Improving New York's restaurant row.
     Revitalizing New York Communities.
     Redesigning Manitou Springs.
     An unbuilt freeway.
     Centre Street restoration.
     Waterfront plan for Eastport, Maine.
     Revitalizing Crown Hill.
     City Scale grant program.

Professional research: 
     Architectural history.
     Comparative urban design - 1830-1843.
     Documenting the architecture of the .
     Prehistoric and early architecture in the Eastern .
     Building with Frank Lloyd Wright.
     Modern Housing prototypes.
     The art of engineering.
     Fitting new buildings with old.

Design research:
     Journal of architectural education.
     Structure in Nature is a strategy for design.
     Energy, stability and form.

Design for special constituencies:
     Hidden structure of children's play.
     City information systems for children.
     Soft indoor play environments.
     Access to play.
     Access '76.
     Environments for the mentally retarded.
     A communication system for the blind.
     Building products for the aged.
     Applied studies.
     Theme parks.
     Streetscape equipment sourcebook.
     Film in user analysis.
     The right to walk.
     Experimental freeway message boards.
     The contribution of the arts to the economic life of a city.
     System Ecologic.
     Shelter in the Harsh Land.
     Plants as environmental indicators.
     Assessing design review commissions.
     Permits and preservation.

Heritage, Conservation and planning:
     Conservation and restoration.
     Splendid survivors.
     A search for identity.
     The Strand in Galveston, Texas.
     A turn-of-the-century Main Street.
     Preserving Portland neighborhoods.
     Recycling Nashville's waterfront.
     Improving a warehouse district.
     Florence, Arizona's historic district.
     Design review in historic districts.
     Defining edges of historic districts.
     Historic waterwheel restoration.
     Preservation planning in small town historic districts.
     Preservation planning in Upstate and Central New York.
     U.S. Custom House at Bowling Green.
     Great Falls historic district.
     Nebraska capitol and environs.

Land use and planning:
     Scenic preservation.
     Broken serenity.
     Maine's land use handbook.
     Conserving the Virginia Piedmont.
     Sugarloaf regional trails.
     Cincinnati hillsides.
     Residential zoning for San Francisco.
     Suburban conservation.
     North Inglewood Industrial Park.

Parks and Open Spaces:
     Backyard parks.
     Boston's urban wilds.
     Preserving the New Jersey Pine Barrens.
     Atlanta Great Park.
     A Lakefront park in Williams Bay.
     An historic industrial park.
     Cadwalader Park.
     The Gallagator Linear Park.
     A Park along the Bronx River.
     A waterfront park for Grand Street.
     Spring Point Shoreway, Maine.

The Grants-making years: interviews with program directors.
Reference: listing of grantees.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 160




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