Democracy and the Arts: The Role of Participation

Author: Cornwell, Terri Lynn

Publication Year:

Media Type: Book


Terri Lynn Cornwell's Democracy and the Arts: The Role of Participation provides a broad brush approach to the topic of democracy and the arts and examines the relationship between political participation and arts participation. It begins with the premise that the arts are beneficial to society and that maximum participation can strengthen both the arts and democracy. Cornwell makes a case that political participation and arts participation permeate the general population in much the same way and, therefore, can be analyzed in a similar manner.


Review by Carla Hanzal of the book Democracy and the Arts: The Role of Participation [New York, NY: Praeger, 1990, 232 p.].

Terri Lynn Cornwell's Democracy and the Arts: The Role of Participation provides a broad brush approach to the topic of democracy and the arts and examines the relationship between political participation and arts participation. It begins with the premise that the arts are beneficial to society and that maximum participation can strengthen both the arts and democracy. Cornwell makes a case that political participation and arts participation permeate the general population in much the same way and, therefore, can be analyzed in a similar manner. Cornwell argues that the most passive form of political and arts participation (those) voting in elections, reading literature or viewing cultural programs) occur in similar proportions - 55 percent voting; 56 percent reading or viewing cultural programs. At the other end of the spectrum, high forms of political participation (contributing money, running for office) and attendance at high arts events (opera, symphony, theatre, dance, museums) occur 2 to 25 percent for political activity and 3 to 23 percent for arts attendance.

Cornwell's book demonstrates that there are many avenues of participation, both active and passive which, in turn, are transferable to the political realm. But, taken as a whole, Democracy and the Arts: The Role of Participation is a very broad, almost topographical study of democracy and the arts.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Participation, Cultural Diversity


Series Title: Democracy and the Arts: The Role of Participation



SBN/ISSN: 027593070X

Pages: 232



Name: Praeger Publishers

Website URL: