Deferred Gifts: How to Get Them: How to Launch and Run a Profitable Deferred Giving Program; a Manual for the Nonprofit Organization Executive

Author: King, George V.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


If you are new to development work, or if you operate a one-person development office, it may take a good deal of persuasion to get you to launch a deferred giving program. But if you do not begin now, chances are that five years from now you will regret your procrastination.


If you are new to development work, or if you operate a one-person development office, it may take a good deal of persuasion to get you to launch a deferred giving program. But if you do not begin now, chances are that five years from now you will regret your procrastination. Why launch a deferred giving program now? Stated simply, you'll almost certainly be shortchanging your charity if you don't. Here's why. Donors are much more sophisticated now than in the past. If you do not offer them deferred giving as an option, you may lose their most significant support. There are many more people with medium-to-large estates than ever before. Hence, there are more prospects for deferred gifts.

Nowadays, the largest gifts are often deferred. Economic cycles tend not to influence deferred giving as much as they do other types of fund-raising. Whether in prosperity or recession, people still want to put their estates in order when they reach a certain age. In fact, the capacity of deferred giving to reduce taxes and increase current income, in some cases, can make that giving method especially attractive in times of recession. The population contains a growing number of older people. Deferred giving strongly appeals to this group, because it allows them to support a cause in which they believe without reducing the income produced by their savings; in fact, it may increase that income. Many persons believe strongly in the tradition of supporting the things in society they cherish the most - doing so by voluntary contributions rather than taxes.

The government encourages this tradition, and has structured its income and estate tax laws accordingly. These laws have a strong impact on deferred giving.|A deferred giving program is possible for almost any charity. It does not take a lawyer or financial expert to run one. Virtually any intelligent person can develop the expertise needed. A productive program need not be costly. (p. 5)

  1. Layman's introduction to deferred giving.
  2. The essentials.
  3. How to spot the deferred gift prospect.
  4. Finding donors by direct mail.
  5. Advertising for deferred gifts.
  6. Finding donors through seminars.
  7. The face-to-face approach.
  8. The technical work - How to learn it and get it done.
  9. Suppliers of deferred giving services.
10. Twelve-step plan for creating your program.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:

Edition: 4th edition



Pages: 198



Name: Fund-Raising Institute

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