Cultural Rights as Human Rights

Author: Unesco

Publication Year: 1969

Media Type: Report


This publication is based on the meeting Cultural Rights as Human Rights sponsored by Unesco, held in Paris, France, July 8-13, 1968. In this context, cultural policy is taken to mean a body of operational principles, administrative and budgetary practices and procedures which provide a basis for cultural action by the State.


This publication is based on the meeting Cultural Rights as Human Rights sponsored by Unesco, held in Paris, France, July 8-13, 1968. In this context, cultural policy is taken to mean a body of operational principles, administrative and budgetary practices and procedures which provide a basis for cultural action by the State. Obviously, there cannot be one cultural policy suited to all countries; each State determines its own cultural policy according to the cultural values, aims and choices it sets for itself.

The discussions took place on the basis of a working paper prepared by the Unesco Secretariat and individual papers presented by the experts. The experts were invited to discuss a wide range of subjects: the evolution of the concept of cultural rights in the twenty years since the proclamation in 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, factors which affect the recognition of these rights, and measures that may be taken to ensure their implementation. This volume includes, besides the documents prepared for the meeting, excerpts from the discussions, the reports of the meeting and a Statement on Cultural Rights as Human Rights adopted by the participants. (Preface, p. 5).

Working paper prepared by Unesco.

Tradition and Modernity:
     Community or group rights by Kiyotaka Aoyagi.
     Universal culture and national cultures by Alassane N'Daw.
     Culture of elite and culture of majorities by Fernando Debesa.

Cultural Interaction:
     Cultural interaction by Breyten Breytenbach.
     Cultural interaction as a factor influencing cultural rights as human rights by
     V. Mshvenieradze.

Some Problems Outlined:
     Social role of writers by George Lamming.
     Rights to culture from the aspects of mass media by Tomo Martelanc.
     Science and culture by Nicholas C. Otieno.

From Nation State to International Community:
     The right to culture and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by
     B. Boutros-Ghali.
     From nation state to international community by Yehudi A. Cohen.

Towards a New Value System:
     Two cultures? by Giulio Carlo Argan.
     The common roots of our alienation by Romesh Thapar.
     On the notion of non-public by Francis Jeanson.
     Statement on cultural rights as human rights prepared by Unesco.

     List of participants.
     Report of the meeting.
     Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
     Declaration of the Principles of International Cultural Co-operation [cooperation].

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: International


Series Title:




Pages: 125




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