Cultural Resources of the Black River - St. Lawrence Region

Author: Gladys Santo

Publication Year: 1972

Media Type: Report


This report is an inventory and analysis of cultural resources found in or near the Black River-St. Lawrence region. It is the basis for an improvement and expansion of the level of offerings in the visual and performing arts, crafts, libraries, schools, museums and similar related cultural resources. The report treats actual resources available at present, the necessary facilities and delivery systems, and identifies people who are involved in cultural activities. The situation in the region is compared with other similar regions. Deficiencies and strong points are identified. Also, many recommendations are made concerning the improvement of all facets of culture in the region.

The setting.
Objectives of the study.
The Arts and Humanities Council of the St. Lawrence Valley, Inc.
Performing arts organizations:
     Franklin County.
     Lewis County.
     Jefferson County.
     St. Lawrence County.
Visual Arts. 
Exhibition Resources. 
Other resources. 
North Country artists on college staffs. 
Art teachers.
Inventory of crafts. 
Crafts organizations. 
Other craft resources. 
St. Lawrence County college art festivals. 
College dance programs. 
College drama programs. 
College library resources. 
College music programs. 
Visual arts programs and arts.
Inventory of schools. 
School cultural activities.
North Country reference and research resources Council. 
Public library systems. 
County library resources. 
Cultural programming. 
Franklin County libraries. 
Jefferson County libraries. 
Lewis County libraries. 
St. Lawrence county libraries.
Inventory of museums and historical associations. 
Museum and historical collections.
Inventory of broadcasting:
     Radio and television inventory.
On the periphery:
     Museums, art galleries, performing arts:
          Nearby New York State.
Special report:
     The Arts Management conference.
     Fund raising.
     Audience development.
     Rural arts improvement.
     Cooperative planning and programming.
     Strengths of regional cultural resources.
     Weaknesses of regional cultural resources.
     The Arts and Humanities Council of the St. Lawrence Valley, Inc.
     General regional improvement.
     A. County expenditures for culture, 1972.
     B. NYSCA grants to organizations in Black River-St. Lawrence region,
         B-1 Franklin County.
         B-2 Lewis County.
         B-3 Jefferson County.
         B-4 St. Lawrence County.
     C. Membership of the Arts and Humanities Council of the St. Lawrence Valley,
          Inc. 1972-3.
     D. Guidelines for Performing Arts grants.
     E. Guidelines for Visual Arts grants.


This report is an inventory and analysis of cultural resources found in or near the Black River-St. Lawrence region. It is the basis for an improvement and expansion of the level of offerings in the visual and performing arts, crafts, libraries, schools, museums and similar related cultural resources. The report treats actual resources available at present, the necessary facilities and delivery systems, and identifies people who are involved in cultural activities. The situation in the region is compared with other similar regions. Deficiencies and strong points are identified. Also, many recommendations are made concerning the improvement of all facets of culture in the region.

The setting.
Objectives of the study.
The Arts and Humanities Council of the St. Lawrence Valley, Inc.
Performing arts organizations:
     Franklin County.
     Lewis County.
     Jefferson County.
     St. Lawrence County.
Visual Arts. 
Exhibition Resources. 
Other resources. 
North Country artists on college staffs. 
Art teachers.
Inventory of crafts. 
Crafts organizations. 
Other craft resources. 
St. Lawrence County college art festivals. 
College dance programs. 
College drama programs. 
College library resources. 
College music programs. 
Visual arts programs and arts.
Inventory of schools. 
School cultural activities.
North Country reference and research resources Council. 
Public library systems. 
County library resources. 
Cultural programming. 
Franklin County libraries. 
Jefferson County libraries. 
Lewis County libraries. 
St. Lawrence county libraries.
Inventory of museums and historical associations. 
Museum and historical collections.
Inventory of broadcasting:
     Radio and television inventory.
On the periphery:
     Museums, art galleries, performing arts:
          Nearby New York State.
Special report:
     The Arts Management conference.
     Fund raising.
     Audience development.
     Rural arts improvement.
     Cooperative planning and programming.
     Strengths of regional cultural resources.
     Weaknesses of regional cultural resources.
     The Arts and Humanities Council of the St. Lawrence Valley, Inc.
     General regional improvement.
     A. County expenditures for culture, 1972.
     B. NYSCA grants to organizations in Black River-St. Lawrence region,
         B-1 Franklin County.
         B-2 Lewis County.
         B-3 Jefferson County.
         B-4 St. Lawrence County.
     C. Membership of the Arts and Humanities Council of the St. Lawrence Valley,
          Inc. 1972-3.
     D. Guidelines for Performing Arts grants.
     E. Guidelines for Visual Arts grants.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Cultural Planning


Series Title:




Pages: 190




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