Cultural Resource Development Planning Survey and Analysis

Author: New York State Commission on Cultural Resources

Publication Year: 1975

Media Type: Book


Cultural Resources Development: Planning Survey and Analysis has aimed to highlight many possibilities for fuller benefit of cultural resources to the people of New York. The commission reviewed 56 State agencies for this study with two major objectives: To identify how each State agency, through its various programs, might assist the arts and the artist; and to identify how the arts and the artist might contribute to the State's agency mandates and therefore better the life in New York Sate.


Cultural Resources Development: Planning Survey and Analysis has aimed to highlight many possibilities for fuller benefit of cultural resources to the people of New York. The commission reviewed 56 State agencies for this study with two major objectives: To identify how each State agency, through its various programs, might assist the arts and the artist; and to identify how the arts and the artist might contribute to the State's agency mandates and therefore better the life in New York Sate. A list of aspects of cultural resources with which the Commission has been concerned is organized in eight major categories comprising the Commission's major recommendations and Chapters 2 through 9 of this report. (p. 1) Lists of these aspects follow.

Chapter 1, Arts and Cultural Resource Services, there is information on the performing arts (music, dance, drama, opera), visual arts (painting, sculpture); television and radio and intermedia and experimental arts. Information about cultural institutions include museums (arts, science, historic, botanical, zoological); libraries and allied information resources; and performing arts centers. In addition Cultural service administration, and financial support of the arts and cultural resources are covered in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2, Historic Resources, includes information on historic preservation of archival material, artifacts and antiquities, oral history, historic museums, and sites. In addition, there is information on historical groups, the American Revolution Bicentennial and state heritage education.

Chapter 3 deals with the economic aspects of the arts and cultural resources with information on:

    1. arts and cultural--related industry;
    2. state economic development programs: travel and tourism, manpower planning;
    3. state employment in cultural services;
    4. economic aspects of artists: legal, insurance and retirement coverage, employment, loans, artistic freedom, training and experience, collective bargaining;
    5. economic aspects of cultural institutions: information and data, legal, insurance, taxation funding;
    6. volunteerism in the arts; and
    7. planning and coordination.

Chapter 4 is on state facilities, architectural design and construction, and public art. Information included in this chapter includes: 

    1. full utilization of public land and facilities;
    2. excellence in architectural design of state and state-financed construction;
    3. public art and exhibits in public buildings;
    4. spaces that accommodate the arts in public buildings;
    5. cultural facilities; and
    6. historic buidlings.

Chapter 5 is on cultural resources in public education, communication, and information. Information in this chapter includes:

    1. public education through excellence in graphic design, electronic media, and exhibitions;
    2. communication of social messages;
    3. publication and film distribution;
    4. library information resources; and
    5. television programming.

Chapter 6 is on cultural resources in recreation. Information in this chapter includes:

    1. arts as leisure time activity;
    2. arts in recreation programs;
    3. parks;
    4. festivals; and
    5. cultural facilities.

Chapter 7 is on aesthetics in the environment. Information in this chapter includes:

    1. contribution of aesthetic perceptions of the artist;
    2. environmental and natural beauty protection;
    3. arts in environmental education;
    4. cultural institutions of museums, zoological and botanical gardens;
    5. environmental aesthetics: landscape architecture, sign control, urban beautification; and
    6. parks and open space.

Chapter 8 deals with arts human resource development. Information in this chapter includes:

    1. artists as catalysts for human resource development;
    2. public service capabilities of art groups, cultural institutions;
    3. adaptive uses of the arts in social service public education; and
    4. creative arts therapies in prisons, probation, mental health services, public assistance programs, drug addiction prevention and treatment programs, and special education.

     A. Method of Study.
     B. Action as a result of cultural resource development study.
     C. Publications of the New York State Commission on Cultural Resources.
     D. Information Resources.
     E. Credits.

About the Commission.
A list of charts is included and recommendation on implication of the suggestions is also included.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:

Edition: 2nd edition


SBN/ISSN: 0-275-55640-9

Pages: 219



Name: Praeger Publishers

Website URL: