Cultural Policy: UNESCO's First Cultural Development Decade

Author: Shore, Herbert

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Book


This book explores the recommendations, issues, and themes, and is an evolutionary overview of a series of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Conferences on Cultural Policy. There remains a long way to go in thinking about cultures and guidelines for the formulation and development of cultural policies. It is in the context of that question that Mr. Shore offers this refreshing review of the reflections and dialogues of the last eleven years.


This book explores the recommendations, issues, and themes, and is an evolutionary overview of a series of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Conferences on Cultural Policy. There remains a long way to go in thinking about cultures and guidelines for the formulation and development of cultural policies. It is in the context of that question that Mr. Shore offers this refreshing review of the reflections and dialogues of the last eleven years. It is the first time that such an effort has been made to assess and assimilate what has been said and done in the field of cultural development under the stimulus and sponsorship of UNESCO. The book examines the dynamic of four regional conferences (and the attendant studies and preparatory meetings).

Each had its own cultural style, its own approach and distinctive focal emphasis. Yet there were continuities from one conference to another, threads of universal concern that ran throughout. [The author] has mined the materials, mapped the processes, and extracted some hard and suggestive analyses. His discussion of how the concepts of cultural policy and cultural development have evolved and been applied should be particularly helpful to America both in regard to examination of itself and its attitudes toward others. The has much to gain from taking stock, and evaluating the ferment working on cultures everywhere and especially the attempts by those cultures to reach out and situate themselves in a changing world. That is what was happening at the UNESCO conferences. (Preface, p. vii-viii).


I. The Intergovernmental Conferences on Cultural Policy.
   Recommendations, issues, themes: an evolutionary overview.
   1. The Monaco Round Table, l967.
   2. The Venice Conference, 1970.
   3. The Helsinki Conference, 1972.
   4. The Yogyakarta Conference, 1973.
   5. The Accra Conference, 1975.
   6. The Bogota Conference, 1978.

II. The Intergovernmental Conferences: toward the next decade.

III. Policy for cultural development: Considerations and criteria in the formulation, 
    implementation and evaluation of cultural policies.

IV. Bibliography.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: International


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-9607772

Pages: 117



Name: U.S. National Commission for UNESCO

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