Cultural Equity in the Public Art Field

Author: Walsh, Patricia; Cooper, Amina; Guerra, Chris; Lambe, Susan; Muney Moore, Julia; Yampolsky, Ruri

Publication Year:

Media Type: Report


This paper aims to inform public art administrators and other practitioners on the many issues and challenges surrounding cultural equity and how those issues intersect with the development of public art programs and projects. Readers will understand several issues surrounding inequities in the public art field, why they happen, and how to drive interest and action to address these challenges as they relate to public art projects and programs.


As part of the ongoing creation of learning resources for the public art field, Americans for the Arts is launching a year-long educational effort to help administrators and other practitioners develop equitable processes and policies for the implementation and creation of public art in their communities. This document is the first work in a series of papers, guides, and online learning opportunities to be released in 2020 and beyond that will address these issues.

As part of Americans for the Arts’ commitment to championing policies and practices of cultural equity that empower a just, inclusive, and equitable nation, these resources aim to educate public art administrators and other practitioners on the issues around public art and cultural equity.

This paper aims to inform public art administrators and other practitioners on the many issues and challenges surrounding cultural equity and how those issues intersect with the development of public art programs and projects. Readers will understand several issues surrounding inequities in the public art field, why they happen, and how to drive interest and action to address these challenges as they relate to public art projects and programs.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Public Art, Cultural Diversity, Civic Dialogue and Social Change, Access and Equity


Series Title:




Pages: 20

Resources: Document


Name: Americans for the Arts

Website URL: