A Cultural Arts Facilities Study

Author: Arts Advisory Associates

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report



In order to determine what kinds of facilities would best serve the needs of Prince George's County, the Commission sought professional assistance and asked Arts Advisory Associates to prepare an in-depth cultural arts facilities study that would inventory all of those cultural activities and facilities that were presently available to County residents, both within Prince George's County and in the surrounding Metropolitan Area, to analyze those findings in relation to national trends, and to make recommendations which could provide for the orderly fulfillment of the County's cultural needs.

The Findings:


  • A broad range of major cultural resources are already available to County residents throughout the Metro Area, including zoos, museums, arts centers, arenas, concert halls, amphitheatres, and the professional programming that is found in them.

  • There is no first-rank museum or exhibition space within the county.

  • The only major cultural resources within the county are the Wildlife Preserve in Largo and the Capital Center.

  • There are no major, professional performing arts companies that presently reside in the county, and the lack of first-rank facilities has hindered the growth of the professional arts and restricted the kinds of activities that have been attempted.

  • A student program or a program of arts in the county schools is insignificant in terms of what many other cities, towns and districts are doing in other parts of the , and must be expanded and emphasized.

Community arts:

  • Cultural facilities available to county residents for participatory community arts activities are severely limited and restrictive.

  • There is a high level of organized community arts activities throughout the county, in both the visual and the performing arts.

  • Working with a limited budget and faced with inadequate facilities, the Commission's Arts Division in cooperation with the Recreation Division has developed a comprehensive and effective community arts program throughout the county.

Community support:

  • Audiences for community arts programs can be greatly expanded, along with an increased number of participants in those programs.

  • Sufficient interest within the business, educational, and governmental communities to support a wider program in the arts is indicated, and can be developed.


  • Financial support from foundations, corporations, and individuals appears limited, so it will be up to local, county, state and federal agencies to underwrite the bulk of activities. This situation is not peculiar to Prince George's county and reflects national trends in financing the arts. (1-3)

Background and scope:
     A summary and review.
     The findings.
     Regional community centers.
     School/Neighborhood community centers.
     Prince George's center for the arts.
     The artistic program.
     General commentary.

The Survey:
     Review and analysis.
     Criteria for needs.
     Operational factors.
     Programming activities.

     Assessing the needs.
     Community arts resources.
     Professional cultural resources.
     Audience profile.
     Building for the future.

Facilities concept and review:
     Regional community centers.
     General description.
     Cost estimates.
     Space program.
     Flow diagram.
     School/Neighborhood community centers.
     General description.
     Cost estimates.
     Space program.
     Flow diagram.
     Arts pavilions.
     Portable outdoor structures.
     General description.
     Review and analysis of existing spaces.
     White Farm.
     Montpelier barn.
     University of Maryland.
     Bowie State college.
     Prince George's Community college.
     Cheverly theatre.
     Former Safeway building.
     Glendale hospital.
     General commentary.

Design criteria: a program checklist.
     General commentary.
     Preliminary architectural program.
     Public spaces.
     Stage area.
     Backstage facilities.

Special projects.
     Technical training program.
     Administrative training program.
     Theatre projects committee.

A program in the professional performing arts.
     Residencies: theatre, dance, music and opera.
     Performance series.
     Summer program.
     Student program. 
     Children's theatre.
     General commentary.

     General commentary.
     Capital costs.
     Maintenance and operations.
     Programming costs.

A profile of the economy.
     Economic profile.

Advisory committee:
     Executive committee.
     Education committee.
     Fundraising and development committee.
     Municipalities committee.
     Mens and Womens committee.
     Business, professional and social organizations.
     Building committee.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Cultural Facilities


Series Title:




Pages: 58




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