County Funding of the Arts in New York State: A Report of Money and Services Provided to Arts Organizations by the County Governments of New York State Outside New York City During 1975

Author: Chauncy, Charles F.

Publication Year: 1975

Media Type: Report


The results of this report on country arts funding show that some healthy and encouraging things are happening in the New York State. Country government funding for arts groups has jumped over 90 percent - from $3,970,035 million to $7,569,626 million in the past two years. The report also reveals, in addition to this infusion of actual money, a significant increase in the number of services offered to local arts organizations by New York country governments. This dramatic growth of local funding shows that it is not state government also which is working to insure New York's position as the arts capital of the world, local government is also becoming an important force. Such pluralistic support is crucial for the health and survival of the arts in New York State. (p. 1). Includes tables on the amount of money spent by each county

Abstract: The results of this report on country arts funding show that some healthy and encouraging things are happening in the New York State. Country government funding for arts groups has jumped over 90 percent - from $3,970,035 million to $7,569,626 million in the past two years. The report also reveals, in addition to this infusion of actual money, a significant increase in the number of services offered to local arts organizations by New York country governments. This dramatic growth of local funding shows that it is not state government also which is working to insure New York's position as the arts capital of the world, local government is also becoming an important force. Such pluralistic support is crucial for the health and survival of the arts in New York State. (p. 1). Includes tables on the amount of money spent by each county.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 24



Name: New York State Council on the Arts

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