Corporate Philanthropy; An Annotated Bibliography

Author: Levy, Susan M.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report



The result of these difficult, relatively new questions is an ever increasing literature that tries to provide answers. For those people striving to reply intelligently, in whatever fashion, to President Reagan's call for a new voluntarism, this literature provides a rich source for grappling with the issue of corporate philanthropy and the stakes involved in it.

This annotated bibliography provides an ordered access to the large body of material that now surrounds corporate philanthropy. It has been specifically organized to give a rich overview of the major issues of corporate philanthropy and to detail those sources most useful in mastering them.

Because this bibliography was originally constructed as a means toward answering certain questions about Chicago corporate philanthropy, it contains two sections, the first on corporate philanthropy throughout the and the second on corporate philanthropy in Chicago. The primary emphasis of the bibliography, however, is on the national scene. Also, due to the original set of problems that led to this work, the bibliography is particularly concerned with references relevant to efforts aimed at increasing corporate philanthropy.

In general, this annotated listing of over 350 references is designed for readers who want to know how corporate philanthropy actually works, what different people have said about and hoped for it, and what kinds of efforts have been made to improve, increase and promote it. The results of this structure is that the bibliography is weighed in certain directions; some sections are deliberately more detailed than others. For example, the sections titled Overviews, The Status of Corporate Giving, Efforts to Induce or Promote Corporate Giving are reasonably detailed. On the other hand, Advice to Corporate Grantseekers is briefly considered. These imbalances are a result of editorship.


Part One. National corporate philanthropy.

I. Overviews.
   A. Specific Citations.
   B. Key periodicals.

II. The status of corporate philanthropy.
    A. Perspectives.
         1. Advocates.
         2. Opponents.
    B. General information.
    C. Current factors.
    D. In the past.
    E. In the future.

III. Efforts to induce or promote corporate giving.
    A. Social responsibility.
    B. Methods and recommendations.
    C. Clubs, funds and organizations.
         1. Baltimore.
         2. Kansas City, Missouri.
         3. Louisville.
         4. Minneapolis.
         5. New York.
         6. Seattle.

IV. Types of corporate philanthropy.
     A. The arts.
         1. Business Committee for the Arts.
         2. Articles.
     B. Education.
         1. Council for Financial Aid to Education, Inc.
         2. Articles.
     C. Other.
         1. United Way.
         2. Women.
         3. Blacks.
         4. Hispanics.
         5. Miscellany.

V. Overviews of giving by business type.
     A. Banks.
     B. Insurance.
     C. Oil.
     D. Regulated corporations.
     E. Smaller companies.

VI. Corporate giving across America.

VII. Advice to corporate grantseekers.

VIII. Directories of corporate support.
      A. Foundation Center publications.
      B. Other directories.
      C. Specific subject of geographic directories.

IX. General information on corporations.

X. Corporations.

Part II. Chicago corporate philanthropy.

I. Overviews - Chicago.
II. Efforts to promote corporate philanthropy - Chicago.
III. Beneficiaries of Chicago corporate philanthropy.

Foundation Center regional libraries.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Private Sector


Series Title:




Pages: 58




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