Consideration for School Systems Contemplating a Comprehensive Arts in General Education Program

Author: Remer, Jane

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report


Over the past ten years, the JDR 3rd Fund's Arts in Education Program has been working on a relatively modest annual budget with a number of carefully selected school systems, state departments of education and others concerned with quality education. The fund's main purpose has been to explore ways in which all the arts can become a vital part of the daily teaching and learning process of all children and youth in entire schools and school systems.


Over the past ten years, the JDR 3rd Fund's Arts in Education Program has been working on a relatively modest annual budget with a number of carefully selected school systems, state departments of education and others concerned with quality education. The fund's main purpose has been to explore ways in which all the arts can become a vital part of the daily teaching and learning process of all children and youth in entire schools and school systems.

The Fund's earlier experience has been mainly with small school districts, most of which are maintaining their programs today. From this experience, many answers to the questions, why the arts in general education and how do you make them an integral part of the life of a school and one of the priorities of the district? have emerged. The lessons learned have been invaluable and the knowledge gained has been applied to the Fund's subsequent programmatic efforts.

At present, the Fund is concentrating on the coordination of two national networks: The Ad Hoc Coalition of States for the Arts in Education and the League of Cities for the Arts in Education. This paper is concerned with the League, its programs and the way they are being organized and implemented. (p. 1)

  1. Introduction.
  2. Some outcomes that can be anticipated.
  3. The program and the process.
  4. Under certain conditions.
  5. Getting started.
  6. The network and the hub.
  7. Building the program at the grass roots level: School development through the
  8. Mid-course corrections.
  9. Extending the concept, enlarging the network - or both.
10. State education departments.
11. Some concerns shared by the League of Cities.

     A glossary of terms for the comprehensive arts in general education programs now
     underway in the League of Cities for the arts in education. 
     A rationale for the arts in education. 
     A definition of a comprehensive arts in general education program: All the arts for
     all the children. 
     Ten characteristics of school systems that have developed effective arts in general
     education programs. 
     Community arts programs and educational effectiveness in the schools. 
     Other references and resources.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 13



Name: JDR 3rd Fund

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