Connections: A Handbook of Business/Arts Collaborations

Author: Business Volunteers for the Arts/Seattle

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


Prepared by Business Volunteers for the Arts/Seattle in association with the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, the King Country Arts Commission, and the Seattle-First National Bank. This is an idea book. The ideas are contained in examples - some specific, some general. All have happened in the greater Seattle area and elsewhere! These collaborations work because they address the primary needs of business: improved sales and service, greater visibility, better employee recruitment and retention, and always, a wider base of community support.


Prepared by Business Volunteers for the Arts/Seattle in association with the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, the King Country Arts Commission, and the Seattle-First National Bank. This is an idea book. The ideas are contained in examples - some specific, some general. All have happened in the greater Seattle area and elsewhere! These collaborations work because they address the primary needs of business: improved sales and service, greater visibility, better employee recruitment and retention, and always, a wider base of community support.

Business expects and receives concrete benefits from any association with the arts. Here are five areas where your company can reap those rewards for everyone's benefit.

    1. Giving funds for operating expenses, endowments, and major capital projects - a small percentage of your pretax earnings goes a long way toward fundamental support of the economic development of the community through its cultural health. The Council on Corporate Responsibility's Two Percent Club recognizes the 96 (and growing) Seattle area businesses who give twice the national average to the arts and other philanthropic endeavors.

    2. Sponsoring arts productions and related events means higher visibility and stronger community ties. The arts consumer is your consumer! Seattle has one of the highest per capita attendance rates in the nation.

    3. Buying tickets and housing arts activities to enhance the lives of your primary business constituents. All business/arts collaborations have a mushrooming effect: new audiences and a flourishing of the hotel, restaurant, retail, tourist, fashion, publishing, and other industries.

    4. Buying art and supporting individual artists to present your business in an environment open to developing higher quality and more attractive sales and services.

    5. Donating services and materials to demonstrate greater contact with the creative world around you. Your resources help the arts help themselves.

One more factor to consider: all nonprofit arts organizations have tax-exempt status. That means your contributions are tax-deductible. These dollars poured back into your business community result in effective local control of resources. To make connections, find the ideas that fit your business needs. Look for innovative variations of the examples contained within that will put your business ahead. This book demonstrates uses of different company budgets for collaborations and will help develop policies to handle requests based on your interests. In the back, you will find a list of organizations and publications to help you in every step!

Art in business.
The business of art. 

  1. Providing operating capital.
  2. Providing endowment and scholarship funds.
  3. Capital projects.
  4. Underwriting a performance, exhibition or tour.
  5. Special projects and other benefits.
  6. Television and radio sponsorship.
  7. Advertising without loud sell.
  8. Sales ideas through the arts.
  9. Buying company tickets and memberships.
10. Performances and exhibitions at work.
11. Commissioning works of art.
12. Buying art.
13. Hiring artists in the work force.
14. Lending space.
15. Lending management assistance.
16. Donating services and materials.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Private Sector


Series Title:




Pages: 28



Name: Business Volunteers for the Arts

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