Community/Schools Partnerships for the Arts: Collaboration, Politics, and Policy

Author: Stankiewicz, Mary Ann

Publication Year:

Media Type: Periodical (article)



This case study outlines how one school district struggled with issues of policy and politics. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, arts education in the Sarasota County, Florida School District faced a crisis. Programs and positions were being cut and art was not perceived as essential to a childs well being.

In response to the crisis, the Arts Education Task Force of the County Arts Council developed an advocacy campaign to restore art and music teachers to schools. A new superintendent of schools formed a think tankン of school and community representatives which became the Community/Schools Partnership for the Arts (C/SPA). The results were impressive. Not only did teachers return to all the schools, but the number of teachers increased and some schools even added new art departments.

Keys to their success can be marked by many qualities, among them that C/SPA did not treat schools in isolation but instead was grounded in a particular community with a unique arts culture. Moreover, C/SPA shows three ways that national standards and related initiatives can serve local policies and politics:

  1. Local groups can cite these national initiatives to affirm the importance of the arts, a kind of argument from authority.
  2. The National Standards offer models of broad goals for local arts education programs.
  3. The nationalOpportunity-to-Learn Standards offer benchmarks against which local conditions can be measured. 

The article closes with suggestions to others who may be planning districtwide art education:

  1. Build a coalition between the arts community and the schools.
  2. Increase educators awareness that they are part of the local art community and can give support as well as ask for it.
  3. Help members of the arts community understand the nature and value of sequential, school-based arts education taught by certified arts educators.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title: Arts Education Policy Review

Edition: Volume 6, Issue 6






Name: Heldref Publications

Website URL: