Coming to Our Senses: The Significance of the Arts for American Education

Author: Arts, Education and Americans Panel

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Book


This report was prepared by the Arts, Education and Americans Panel of the American Council for the Arts in Education (ACAE). For many years the arts and education in the have been following separate tracks. This report is concerned with the implication of this situation for our culture, and it makes recommendations for integrating the arts and education.


This report was prepared by the Arts, Education and Americans Panel of the American Council for the Arts in Education (ACAE). For many years the arts and education in the have been following separate tracks. This report is concerned with the implication of this situation for our culture, and it makes recommendations for integrating the arts and education. A distinguished national panel has conducted this intensive study, hearing testimony from numerous authorities, visiting schools and community programs, and conducting national surveys to develop new information. Data were gathered from every state on all levels of education, from kindergarten through high school. Community-based programs and higher education were also included in the study.

In essence, the report concludes that art and education are indivisible, that the arts do not constitute a separate educational goal but rather pervade and energize all educational goals. Specific recommendations are directed toward making the arts an integrating force in American life. As an invitation to sustained national debate, the recommendations suggest an exciting proposition: the may now be ready to recognize the arts as a defining aspect of the last of the three inalienable rights. Through its recommendations, the panel would help bring to the pursuit of happiness the same weight of policy and institutional arrangements that have traditionally supported the rights of life and liberty. Thus viewed, this report emerges as a citizen's guide for fuller realization of the third right. [book jacket].


  • Chairman's introduction by David Rockefeller, Jr.
  • Members of the panel.
  • The crisis and the hope.
    Roots and branches of learning and the arts: a review of traditions.
  • The arts: a better primer for our children.
    Creative energy and the adolescent.
  • The arts at home in college.
  • Powers behind the curriculum: teachers, artists, administrators.
  • Beyond the schools.
  • The promise and the problems of the media.
  • Analyzing the present, mapping the future.
  • Recommendations.
  • Appendix.
  • Notes.
  • Selected bibliography.
  • Index.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-07-002360-3 (h); 0-07-002361-1 (p)

Pages: 334



Name: The McGraw-Hill Companies

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