CETA and the Arts and Humanities: Fifteen Case Studies

Author: Startzel, D.C. and Walker, A.P.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


The report is one of two major documents produced as a result of the CETA Arts and Humanities Employment Analysis and Documentation (AHEAD) Project, a national study conducted from October 1979 through September 1981 by Morgan Management Systems, Inc., for the USDOL/ETA. Fourteen prime sponsors and one special national contractor were selected from over 200 that provided information to the Project team. They were chosen on the basis of nine criteria established by the Project's Technical Advisory Panel. These case studies document the successful use of cultural occupational areas as employment and training opportunities. Part I contains reviews of 15 prime sponsors, an overview of their unique qualifications as case study subjects, the populations and labor markets they serve, their structures and operational systems, and a discussion of the cultural development of their jurisdictions. Synopsis of their selected subgrantee/contractors follow. Finally, suggestions for potential program operators are presented, based on recommendations of these prime sponsors and subrecipients. Part II contains detailed information on the program sites, including a profile of each organization, the history of its CETA involvement, detailed descriptions of its CETA activities, placement results, and unique programming aspects. Contact names and a list of public information materials available are also included for each case study.


The report is one of two major documents produced as a result of the CETA Arts and Humanities Employment Analysis and Documentation (AHEAD) Project, a national study conducted from October 1979 through September 1981 by Morgan Management Systems, Inc., for the USDOL/ETA. Fourteen prime sponsors and one special national contractor were selected from over 200 that provided information to the Project team. They were chosen on the basis of nine criteria established by the Project's Technical Advisory Panel. These case studies document the successful use of cultural occupational areas as employment and training opportunities. Part I contains reviews of 15 prime sponsors, an overview of their unique qualifications as case study subjects, the populations and labor markets they serve, their structures and operational systems, and a discussion of the cultural development of their jurisdictions. Synopsis of their selected subgrantee/contractors follow. Finally, suggestions for potential program operators are presented, based on recommendations of these prime sponsors and subrecipients. Part II contains detailed information on the program sites, including a profile of each organization, the history of its CETA involvement, detailed descriptions of its CETA activities, placement results, and unique programming aspects. Contact names and a list of public information materials available are also included for each case study.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Artists-Resources for


Series Title:




Pages: 74



Name: Morgan Management Systems, Inc.

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