Cases in Arts Administration

Author: Raymond, Thomas C. and Greyser, Stephen A.; and Schwalbe, Douglas

Publication Year: 1971

Media Type: Book


Consists of case studies designed for an integrated course in arts administration that was first offered as a four-week intensive at the Harvard Summer School arts administration program in 1970. The cases are either written, developed or supervised by the authors or based on situations they experienced. Although in many instances the names of people and places, as well as financial information in the cases have been disguised, the situations themselves are based on real experiences of real arts administrators.


Consists of case studies designed for an integrated course in arts administration that was first offered as a four-week intensive at the Harvard Summer School arts administration program in 1970. The cases are either written, developed or supervised by the authors or based on situations they experienced. Although in many instances the names of people and places, as well as financial information in the cases have been disguised, the situations themselves are based on real experiences of real arts administrators.

This collection of cases, to the best of our knowledge, represents the first attempt to apply the case method of teaching, so successfully developed at Harvard and use at numerous other schools of business administration, to the administrative problems of arts organizations. The cases can be used by potential and present arts administrators in several ways: to familiarize the arts administrator with and give him practice in the use of specific management tools and techniques for informed decision-making; to set forth types of approaches all arts administrators must consider in analyzing problems and making decisions; to help the arts administrator develop familiarity with the process of decision-making. The arts administration cases herein fall into all three of the core areas that comprise the integrated curriculum of the Harvard Summer School program.

Those areas are: 1) basic management subjects: providing roots in business functions such as financial, administration, audience development and promotion, management structure, human relations, etc., 2) administering arts organizations: presenting specific arts management situations wherein the basic management tools are to be applied and
3) impact on management of artistic criteria: treating specific problems growing from the artistic context in which the arts administrator works, such as artistic and community standards, artist relations, performance evaluation for arts organizations, etc. (Foreword)

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Name: Institute of Arts Administration

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