Bridging Gaps Between the Arts and Education: An Indispensable Handbook for Builders

Author: Sherman, Vivian S.

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


Bridges to be built between the Arts and Education are both conceptual and experiential. Their creation can best take place in relatively small group settings and open-ended, supportive environments. They will be born of experience with fresh concepts and insights that allow new, fruitful constructions. Inventions needed to make the arts an integral part of life- long learning and living will emerge from personal explorations of the creative process.


Bridges to be built between the Arts and Education are both conceptual and experiential. Their creation can best take place in relatively small group settings and open-ended, supportive environments. They will be born of experience with fresh concepts and insights that allow new, fruitful constructions. Inventions needed to make the arts an integral part of life- long learning and living will emerge from personal explorations of the creative process. Commitment to further the arts will expand with awareness of the potential power of the expressive-aesthetic mode to develop fully human beings. Our most significant frontier - in every community across the land - is creative collaboration in communicating that the arts offer us the most promising key we have to a different, more hopeful future.

It is toward that end that this helpful handbook has been prepared. Visuals that are included have been used in Integral Learning classes, experiential workshops on Building Bridges Between the Arts and Education, in county, regional, and state conferences on 'school improvement through the arts' and 'art as a basic.' Some of the resource materials have been published in ARTIFACTS (North Tahoe Fine Arts Council Newsletter) and in the California School Boards Association Journal. Use them with your arts organizations, in arts and human development courses, in classrooms, homes, parent education and school improvement groups, in programs for the academically adept, for staff seminars, and school board retreats. Use the handbook, also, in legislative committees, city and county planning, in design and expansion of human resource departments, senor and youth centers, in recreation, rehabilitation, and hospice programs, as well as in mental health clinics. Wherever there is concern for human expression, communication, and regeneration, they are appropriate. Let the insights and ideas that follow help you design innovative programs to prevent senseless waste and preserve the precious capacities that can give to our nation - and to the world - its creative energy. (p. iii)

  1. Creativity - seed of our future.
  2. Context for creative collaboration.
  3. Educational images.
  4. Designing for duality.
  5. Orchestrating for creativity.
  6. Experiential learning.
  7. Expanding the power of the arts.
  8. Redefining reality.
  9. Recapitulation.
10. Resources.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 63




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