The Audience for the Performing Arts: A Study of Attendance Patterns in Ontario

Author: Book, Sam H. and Globerman, Steven

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report


In response to the growth in number, size, and diversity of performing arts companies and their audiences and to the increase in government involvement in and commitment to the arts, research into the arts and their publics is increasingly being encouraged and supported by both government agencies and arts companies themselves. Chapter II provides a review of recent studies of performing arts attendance patterns.


In response to the growth in number, size, and diversity of performing arts companies and their audiences and to the increase in government involvement in and commitment to the arts, research into the arts and their publics is increasingly being encouraged and supported by both government agencies and arts companies themselves. Chapter II provides a review of recent studies of performing arts attendance patterns.

One of the aims and objectives of the stud we building a Performing Arts data base.Within the arts community it is generally agreed that there is a serious shortage of information on audiences. Only during the past seven years, since the appearance of Baumol and Bowen's pioneering work, have there been any systematic attempts to gather data on arts audiences. In Canada, due to the efforts of a few researchers, it is possible to gather some general impressions as to the types of people who are attending the performing arts, but in order to more effectively develop and implement short-run as well as long-run policies, the arts world must know a good deal more about who goes to the performing arts, why they go, and why such a large percentage of the population does not attend live performances.

The data collected and processed in this study have been used to develop statistical profiles of those who attend live performing arts events and those who do not attend. The data also provides a basis from which analysis can be performed on specific questions and issues of importance to arts administrators and members of the general public concerned about the future of the arts in Canada.

List of tables.

Chapter 1.   Summary of major findings.
Chapter 2.   Survey design and methodology.
Chapter 3.   Audience profiles.
Chapter 4.   Frequency of attendance patterns of audience members.
Chapter 5.   Attendance patterns in the general population.
Chapter 6.   Availability of the performing arts.
Chapter 7.   Attitudes and preferences toward the performing arts.
Chapter 8.   Prices and costs.
Chapter 9.   Leisure time patterns.
Chapter 10. Composite profiles of attenders and non-attenders.
Chapter 11. Review of some related studies and references.

Appendix A. List of sampled performances.
Appendix B. Definition of regions.
Appendix C. An estimate of ticket price elasticity.
Appendix D. Tabular summaries of raw data.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Performing Arts Organizations, Participation


Series Title:




Pages: 153



Name: Ontario Arts Council

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