An Assessment of the Impact of Selected Large Performing Companies Upon the Canadian Economy

Author: Urwick, Currie and Partners

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report


During 1972, the Canada Council asked Urwick, Currie & Partners to carry out a study of three organizations active in performing arts in order to assess their cultural and economic impact upon Canadian society. The three organizations are the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, the Toronto Symphony, and the Theatre du Nouveau Monde. The terms of reference for the study are described in Part I of the report which follows. A full report on the study was submitted to the Council by Urwick, Currie and Partners in October 1972. Those sections of the report that deal with the economic aspects of the study are now being made public by the Council.


During 1972, the Canada Council asked Urwick, Currie & Partners to carry out a study of three organizations active in performing arts in order to assess their cultural and economic impact upon Canadian society. The three organizations are the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, the Toronto Symphony, and the Theatre du Nouveau Monde. The terms of reference for the study are described in Part I of the report which follows. A full report on the study was submitted to the Council by Urwick, Currie and Partners in October 1972. Those sections of the report that deal with the economic aspects of the study are now being made public by the Council.

As to the assessment of cultural impact, the report of the study team demonstrates that, in their respective fields, the three companies named all make important contributions in terms of culture to Canadian society and to the enhancement of Canadian prestige abroad. The report also shows that the grants they receive from the Canada Council play a large part in enabling the companies to survive, to maintain high artistic standards, and to sustain employment for talented Canadians in the vocations of their choice. (Foreword, p. i)

The three companies demonstrate a combined annual demand for local goods, materials and services -including outlays by members of the public attending performances- to a combined value of some $2,897,000 annually. In addition, the three companies pay their artists and other employees as a whole wages and salaries of which approximately $2,813,000 remains as disposable income after taxes. Thus, the total value amounts to about $5,710,000 annually, combined with the value of direct and indirect tax receipts, and revenue from government services, attributable to the companies ($2,152,000), the resulting sum total is $7,862,000.
(p. 17).

Part 1. Digest.

1. Introduction.

2. Background to the study:
    a. Purpose of the study. 
    b. Terms of reference.
    c. Method used.
    d. Standard definitions.

3. Summary of principal conclusions: 
    a. Economic aspects.
    b. Prevailing shortcomings in planning and the harmonization of

Part 2. The Royal Winnipeg ballet: Assessment of economic pact.

1. Introduction.

2. Operating expenditures, grants and revenues earned.

3. Benefits:
    a. Direct taxes and government services.
    b. Indirect taxes.
    c. associated costs of attendance.
    d. Economic stimulation from promotional activities.
    e. Other economic benefits.
    f. Balance of payments.

4. Conclusions:
    a. Tangible returns to government.
    b. Other economic benefits to Canadian society.

Part 3. The Toronto Symphony: Assessment of economic impact.

1. Introduction.

2. Operating expenditures, grants and revenue earned.

3. Benefits:
    a. Direct taxes and government services.
    b. Indirect taxes.
    c. Associated costs of attendance. 
    d. Other economic benefits.
    e. Balance of payments.

4. Conclusions:
    a. Tangible returns to government.
    b. Other economic benefits to Canadian society.

Part 4. Le Theatre du Nouveau Monde: Assessment of economic impact.

1. Introduction.

2. Operating expenditures, grants and earned revenue.

3. Benefits:
    a. Direct taxes and government services.
    b. Indirect taxes.
    c. Associated costs of attendance. 
    d. Other economic benefits.
    e. Balance of payments.

4. Conclusions: 
    a. Tangible returns to government.
    b. Other economic benefits to Canadian Society.

     1. The objectives of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet.
     2. Tax and government service revenue expected during 1972-73 from the Royal
         Winnipeg ballet and associated organizations.
     3. Estimated costs of attendance at Royal Winnipeg ballet performances in Canada
         - 1972-73.
     4. Tax and government service revenue generated by the Toronto Symphony and
         associated organizations (season 1971-72).
     5. Tax and government service revenue expected during 1972-73 from Le Theatre
         du Nouveau Monde.
     6. Estimated associated costs of attendance: Le Theatre du Nouveau Monde -
         Montreal performances, regular program 1972-73 season.
     7. List of persons interviewed.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Economic Impact


Series Title:




Pages: 54



Name: Canada Council for the Arts

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